Tab Targeting is More Broken Then Ever


As a melee they take away player agency of what to tab target and then they expect the game play not to suffer? :100:

I’ve long suspected it was deliberately broken in some misguided attempt to combat bots.

Will tab targeting ever get fixed? Asking for a friend…

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Made me laugh out loud!

:cookie: :cookie: :cookie: for you!

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This actually happened to me yesterday and I thought about this (necro’d) thread :rofl: 3 mobs, 1 behind me and 2 in front of me, hit tab to target the other mob in front of me and targeted the one behind me, I laughed because this thread was my first thought.


You aim your character at the only thing directly in front of you, and instead it targets one after another from a group of mobs that are out of range. Why am I targeting something that is 60 yards away?


Just played some Battlegrounds and I really need to come back here and say this again:


It’s hilarious how tab targeting works better on Classic WoW.

Goes well with Blizzard’s unofficial motto: “If it’s not broke, break it”.

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Hahhhhahahahhaahha so true xD

Just another reminder…

At least it’s not as broken as it was back in Cataclysm during Firelands when they broke it so bad it selected dead mobs.

But yeah being melee and the first 20 things it tabs thru are 40 yards away or being ranged and spewing dots on everything behind and beside you because it REFUSES to select anything in front of you.

It’s funny that the key bind is called “Target Nearest Enemy” and it almost never does that.


for real the one and only time I should ever be forced to click anything is if I’m trying to target the hunter’s pet in PvP cuz why the heck would I ever want to do that. thanks tab!1!

Oh god that one is annoying AF. All the damn time. It’s like a priority target choice over other players.

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LOL. Skipped BFA, just came back to Shadowlands and tab targeting is a hot mess! I see this thread has been going on a while with no blue post, so ‘working as intended?’
Seriously though has anyone found a workaround to this? I know that holding the Tab button down will allow you to ‘aim’ at what mob you want, but in a hectic fight that’s not always the best solution.

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Blizzard still has not fixed this and it is still a major issue

Agreed with all of these comments. Last night I was running a +9 NW with my M+ group. I switched targets to an Explosive, we killed it, I tried to tab back into the group we were currently fighting, and it tab targeted a group of little skeletons at the edge of my range. We suddenly found ourselves fighting an additional six or so enemies who were only normal mobs, not elites, but nevertheless spawned a bunch of additional Explosives, including where they pulled from, so we ended up wiping.

Great news, as we were currently holding onto at least a spear and a shield for later use in the dungeon. :expressionless:

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I agree TAB targeting is broken.

Nevertheless; back in the day, if it was an important enough fight, I would make specific targeting macros for specific mobs.

/tar Amarlly

My guess it’s just one more way they’ve tweaked SL to increase time played. Mistakenly tabbing the wrong target is just one way to make simple things take longer. Another is the overabundance of nuisance mobs that contribute nothing to completing a quest, they’re just there to get in the way, draw aggro and pad the time it takes to finish whatever you’re doing. I also seem to get knocked off my mount more than I can remember since TBC. SL seems loaded with these little time-wasters that add up.

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How about no. That is the epitome of bad play.

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