Tab Targeting is More Broken Then Ever

I feel like it’d work perfectly if it traced a 45 degree angle cone from the direction of the camera, not necessarily the character, and toggled enemies within that cone based on distance… tat way it’s somewhat predictable

“Here target this pot, not the mob in front of you.”

Shouldnt be able to tab target pots at all in terribleghast


I came to the forums wondering WTF had changed and found this thread.

So, I have these four CVars set:

  • TargetPriorityCombatLock=1, where 1 is supposed to be “Lock to in-combat targets when starting from an in-combat target” and 2 is “Further restrict to in-combat with the player”.

  • TargetPriorityCombatLockContextualRelaxation=1, where 1 is "Enables relaxation of combat lock based on context (e.g., no in-combat target in front).

  • TargetPriorityCombatLockHighlight=0, it’s the same as the first thing but while doing hold-to-target, which I never use so I didn’t wanna mess with it.

  • TargetPriorityPvp, didn’t bother looking

  • TargetPriorityValueBank, which “selects the value bank”. No explanation of WTF that means, but I guess the description is strictly speaking correct… facepalm

Anyway, those first two are probably what people are noticing is broken. I tried changing TargetPriorityCombatLockContextualRelaxation from 1 (the apparent default) to 0, and that had absolutely no effect on how crappy the tab targeting behaves. It certainly didn’t make TargetPriorityCombatLock do a damned thing, as my tab targeting was immediately selecting stuff not in combat (with anything), random destructable objects, and I think at one point a floor grating. I had to clear the target entirely before Tab would again select any of the mobs beating on my damn face.

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