T8 Delves in a group are trivial - is this intended?

Sounds like your not sure what you said.

Did a Delve 7 with a group it’s showing only a 6 at vault, anyone else see this?

Did 8 tier 8s on a survival hunter with an arms warrior mate and everything was fairly smooth.

Most my deaths were completely avoidable and I died from falling like 3 times.

Brans healing was rather good

People seriously calling in this thread for people who play with their friends to be punished?

So much for solitaire players just wanting their own stuff to do.

What they really wanted all along, it seems, was for people who play with their friends to be punished.

I’d rather not. :wine_glass:

See I agree with

I 3 man-ed them with my partner and a friend. ( me mistweaver, balance druid and a Dev evoker )

We had no issues and got everything done in an hour. ( including climbing to +8 )

I dont understand why people are saying they are difficult tbh. We had a few one shots that could have been avoided but other than that it was pretty easy.

I think it might be harder depending on group size or some other scaling thing going on. Plus if you do them solo you cant rez people to avoid the death counter. Not sure though.

So uhhh… this then?

Kind of makes sense it would be easier when grouped compared to running them solo? If you’re issue is with the level is easiness, like maybe it should be easier than solo but harder than it currently is? Then okay. But it makes sense to me for delves to be easier when grouped.

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For the same player running it solo versus with similar players grouped, it should be about the same - not easier nor more difficult (though of course it would be a bit easier if running it in a balanced group with your guild mates versus some random solo player running it alone).

In trying to get that right though, they should err on the side of ‘a bit easier’ when solo as in don’t throw so much damage or mechanics to manage (interrupts being a big one, especially as that feeds into incoming damage, which is much harder to manage solo right now than in a balanced group) that tilt the balance too far towards groups over solo players.

And to keep the challenge where it is solo they could up the incoming damage in groups and reduce the CDs of trash and boss abilities to make groups work harder to manage everything.

This has been a reoccurring problem with variable group size content that scales down to a party of one. Single player content that is intended to be a challenge has to meticulously balanced for every spec. And then balanced for different size parties and blizzard seems to always try for a one size fits all solution that inevitably doesn’t fit all.

Adding rewards comparable to group content is going to be a mess.

Delves are likely overtuned solo, and undertuned for 2-3 man groups. 5 man seems somewhat reasonable.

The scaling is bonkers.

My partner and I duel-tanked several T8 delves and they were ez pz

Turns out everything in a delve works as a tank swap :stuck_out_tongue:

Walked into a T7 just now solo and the first pack white hits me for half my HP bar.

Sure if I pop all my CDs it is fine… so my options are pop all my CDs and wait a couple minutes inbetween pulls or just ditch this “solo” content while groups steamroll through it.


Everyone is able to benefit from all of the chests and use their keys.

Absolutely not lol.

We’ve done them all. They’re ridiculously easy in 5 stacks.

As a BM hunter I can literally skip M0 all together and just farm delves, T8 is a cake walk and gear is substantially better…

Yeah I did 4 with my priest and I was shocked how smoothly it went except for the insect swarm spell that just one shot me, that ability needs to be nerfed. Got 3 603 pieces in around 1.25 hr of play. Love it.

It’s small group content that can be done solo not solo specific.

it’s a mmo, goober, grouping should make everything easier and better

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Is there a rule book that says all content in an mmo should be group mandated for efficiency? Hell, MMO could ban all grouping and just have people share an economy and chat each other as they’re going about their business. That would easily satisfy MMO requirements.

Mage Tower wasn’t a group activity. But hey let’s go with what you’re saying. The more the merrier. Let’s make mythic+ 40 man raids if people decide they want to watch Netflix while gearing up that way. Hey, it’s an MMO. Everything should get easier with more people involved. Right?