T8 Delves in a group are trivial - is this intended?

I don’t think they have hit the sweet spot on numbers yet. I can see them adjusting them a bit over time.

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Here’s what you can do. Go to the AH and get the lowest level gear you can find. If you are in a group, have everyone else do the same. Then go try it again and tell us if it is still too easy.


Finally something I can farm as a small group that doesn’t have time for raids or hair for M+


Question. Kinda related.

If you do a T8 bountiful in a group, does everyone get to use their coffer key or just one?

Speaking of the AH, there are new INT flasks now. Try drinking one and re-read the post, then tell us if it helped with reading comprehension.


Everyone can use their key. It’s individual.

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Wow ok. Time to group up and do a bunch of these.


So we have a variation on the fallacy of ad hominem. You can’t attack the message with a rational argument so you attack the messenger.

Yup. Cuz why not?

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Found the reason y’all.

This hurts to read, they are brain dead in t8 with a group, you seem like you r just really bad at the game lol

Yes they’re much easier in a group. We 2 manned 11 earthcrawl easily as tank + healer until a friend came on later to do bountifuls.

Trying to solo an 8 is much more dangerous. I actually think it’s easier as a healer than a tank until maybe you’re more geared. You have to run a lot and just let Brann kill stuff. Sometimes he aggros stuff but some stuff ignores him and chases you. Brann at higher levels with the health degen item does a lot of damage though.

At higher levels you do have to skip some named mobs in Earthcrawl or they destroy you in seconds, but they are skippable.

Sorry your brain hurts when you read, might be a sign of low cognitive function, which is also evident with your inability to respond to anything without attaching any kind of childish attempt to insult. If you want to get better at insults, I would suggest stop hanging out with children on the playground like a creeper.

I wonder if Normals, Heroics, and Mythic also become easier (some might say trivial) if you group with others?
Do certain classes and gear give an advantage in specific situations making them easier (some might say trivial)?

Can someone please tell me if this water is wet?
I can’t tell.

Little bit of overreaction there in your response, but go off king

Have not had this same experience. Have had the same difficulty in a group than alone.

Kind of like your reaction to my original comment? No need to insult. My group would’ve probably been fine if it had a paladin or guardian Druid in hindsight.

so … you did it with a dedicated tank and a dedicated healer and one dps…and say its too easy?.. lmao… why are you treating it like a dungeon and having one of every role? thats why its easy for you … you are playing an unintended way… and now you want to make it harder for people… you are why this game is failing. btw


Could we like maybe not with the “it’s too easy as a group” nonsense. If it’s too easy with 3 people playing the 3 roles, then specifically that needs to be adjusted. (But then again, if you’re doing it in a group, you’re probably also doing M+ when it releases so you’ll have no need for the gear ever again after a week or 2 in M+)

But Blizz has this weird thing of adjusting everything instead of one thing. Doing delves solo is actually challenging and rewarding. I’d like it to stay that way and not get buffed because “groups find it too easy”. This isn’t supposed to be another version of M+, don’t try to force it that way.

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Writing a sentence is easy.

I could make it impossible by tying my hands behind my back or just removing them though.

But that doesn’t change that writing a sentence is easy.

You didn’t present a rational argument, why would they do it the dignity of responding with one?