System flags

Well I like you, and maybe one day you’ll forgive my past transgressions. :slight_smile:

thats how that group works, Arm…and we all know it.
They want an echo chamber…theyve all proven that 100 times in Btag threads lol.
Disagreeing with that sort isnt disagreeing in THEIR minds, its harassment and trolling…and why NONE of them are worth your time reading or responding to.

They dont want an account wide ignore and they know it.
IF they did they’d ignore THIS character Im on now…they know who I am and theyve screeched for over two years that they want an account wide ignore so they can ignore me…yet they DONT EVER ignore me whenthey know its me. lmao.
No, they read AND post at me knowing they are ignored.

They dont want an ignore…they want that Btag ID.
I know it.
you know it…and obviously THEY all know it.

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I wish this group you were referencing was half as cool as you claim.

Letting people live rent free in your head and creating your own windmills to tilt at isn’t healthy.


and yet the one living rent free in anyones head…is me…in theirs…clearly…OR theyd put me on ignore when they see me posting instead of hanging on every word that proceeds from my fingertips :wink:

I hope you were just trying to be cute or maybe some hokey kiddie psyche thing lol

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Oof, jealous of that ego for sure.

Nah, more so you seem to have a wildly incorrect view of things and are projecting a lot onto these people. You’re creating you own (false) narrative here about an entire population and their struggles and that’s where the Don Quixote reference comes in.


Im sorry mr Alt, but unless YOU have been in the DOZENS of other threads with myself and them…youre in NO position to run your mouth at ME lol

Now…since I suspect you are one of their alts getting around an ignore…byebye :wave: :wave:

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You probably can’t ever stop it, but you can add a layer of easy accountability and the knowledge of if you’re toxic on one toon, we’ll all know the second you try to swap and pretend you didn’t just say/do what you did, or start another anonymous argument. I vote for full accountability.

Oh your interpersonal issues aren’t my point.
Though if you show up inflammatory, as the bulk of your “they’re all professional victims” post kind of hints at, and point at a false generalization of a community, you’re gonna get push back.

Since your entirely false generalization of a community includes me, yes I can indeed reply to it.

Nah, if I ignore a poster, they stay that way for a while. I’m reasonable, I use the timer. I believe people can change for the better. You seem to be content demonizing populations instead of learning.

Also you should really work on that ego, I am not an alt and I post on one character. this one.


If you werent actioned, there was no violation, obviously.
Mods have said they often close threads or 404 them if they dont fit the function of the forum…they said they will let some stay, but largely they’ll get locked or removed, even if they arent going badly or anything.

Though I have to wonder, if your thread was ABOUT the game and its players, what the offense either was or how it was determined to be not on topic here.

There was a cs thread he posted on this, was in wrong forum iirc or something benign. Not that deep.

The only answer I got was that my thread was a troll magnet.

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“Not game related”

oh…i see.
Yeah, one of the mods or blues kinda went into that sort of thing a while back, if memory serves. I think I actually may have screen shot and saved his posts somewhere, Id have to see if I still have them.
Yeah, if they think or see that a thread has potential to cause this crowd to lose its minds they’ll likely remove it to keep the stink from starting up.

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The name of the thread was “Looking for My Fellow Gen X Players”

I disagree. “Players” is a pretty game related thread.

I have seen far worse, and the thread did not descend into madness. It was a very pleasant and jovial thread. I even begged CS to read it.

It is what it is.

Not my judgement so I’m not to big on defending it.

I can see both arguments on either side.

Same, SOME THREADS TODAY HAVE BEEN SPICY and are still there.

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It’s okay. I moved passed it. I disagree with the decision, but that is me. It was already 160+ posts long and hadn’t gone down that rabbit hole.

There were a couple of players that defended it in the original thread that I posted to disagree with the action.

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Just report and ignore since that person is causing drama and picking fights with people. And agreed with people who wishes harm on others sadly.

I’m just going to put this out there for the OP

If you get flagged and it results in a suspenion even if you didn’t do any thing wrong just accept it and enjoy your vaction from the forums .

I say this because it has gotten to the point that if you do fight it ,they just come back and say our decision is final and if you do decide to further persue it plan on them threatening your entire WoW/Blizz account .

They have pretty much made it clear that they have 2 rules in regards to moderation

Rule 1: Moderators are never wrong
Rule 2: In an event that Moderators are ever wrong see Rule #1

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You’re a funny person to hear that sentiment from.

Nah I can scroll past and be fine generally. only have like maybe 5 people on perma ignore I think.

I’m not admitting to being sanctioned, but they never change their mind. Don’t ask how I know. I admit NOTHING!