System flags

I ran out of like’s already. I felt like I had infinite night of Angry Shaman. :open_mouth:

Also I’m gentle, maybe one aggressive purr is all I’ll pull out of you.

No pully tail.

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tugs tail furiously

It’s cute that y’all keep bragging about how you’ve ignored me over and over again lol

Sure you’re not just using it as a way to hide? Seems like if you were being as mature and non-engaging as you pretend, you wouldn’t keep making backhanded comments.

Baps with newspaper :newspaper_roll:

Stop that. I just had it fluffed!


Now this tread is going the right direction.

At least it was… :roll_eyes:

If you could just be nice, inclusive, or even logical in anything you say people wouldn’t find you so abhorrent. We’re all potential friends, why aim for enemies? :3

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Being nasty is okay, but calling people out for it is immature? This is typical of the “nice” crowd. This is why I think the social rules need to change.


I’m not really interested in being friends with you.

I take it as a win that terrible people don’t like me, personally :dracthyr_shrug:

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that group thinks the rules dont apply to them in here. lol.
They arent worthy of your time or thought or energy.
Just ignore and leave it…feeding that craving for attention just enables and encourages them


bonks with pool noodle
squirts with water soaker

Awe now the tail is all wet.

Where did that tail fluffer go? Hope he has the blow dryer.


readies industrial fan to turn the vulpera into a puff ball


Wheels out the ACME Floofomatic Fabulous Fox Fluffer & Dryer :fox_face:


Bounces around like a giant tumble weed due to all the fluff.
I think the blow dry was successful.



My inner child won’t stop giggling at this.

Indeed. :point_up:

I recently had a thread closed where I was looking for Gen X players to see how many of us were out there. It was a good thread and communication in it was very positive. It was closed and deleted without reason.

It happens and is going to happen. I, luckily, wasn’t sanctioned for it.

The odd thing is the mods said there isn’t any false flagging unless you’re doing it with alts.

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