System flags

I’ve butted heads with them, and put simply, they can’t be reasoned with sadly. They would even go far to support harm towards other people if it means keeping Btags out of the forums.

Inane people go at inane lengths it seems. Like Doxing or Swatting sometimes.

Thats been the issue with the 12 -15 of them or so.
They attack, demean, call names, then play victim if you even hint at reciprocating or defend yourself lol
I was stupid enough to keep going back and forth with them actually believing there was some logical resolution…something that could be said to bring at least some degree of agreeing to disagree…but if you dont agree with them on ANY point they refuse to let up and keep posting at you…as they are doing in this very thread here with me.…and at a point you have to make the adult choice to just use the ignore option and be done with them entirely.

Sad you have to do that with adults, but Im divorced from my ex wife for a reason. Same crap with her. Couldnt just sit down and reason together, but always living for that combative crap that she thrived on.

There is no reasoning with that personality type.
IN real life you have to remove them from your presence…and in here thats in using the ignore feature that, thank odin, we have as an option

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They sure do. Some people do need help with their twitter content and engagement for sure.

In regard to Btags, I’m not a huge fan but not horrified of them as a concept.

Telling others to harm themselves isn’t the same as people sharing things around on the internet.

Also, why you want me to make money so badly?

At least to me, that tells me you have the capacity to understand why people would need them.

Just as I said previously. Even though my thread said “Players” in it and was deleted as not being game related hasn’t affected me in any way, even though there are Final Fantasy threads out there that have nothing to do with WoW, it’s okay. I understand Blizz and accept their final decision.

I’m not bitter! I swear!

They are why I generally dont make threads anymore at all unless its just something that they cant twist into an ‘offense’ lol to flag bomb.
Ive started probably 50 threads this year and as Im about to post them end up deleting them because Im thinking about that group skulking around in here just dying to start slamming that flag button and while nothing would have been a violation, they know if moderation is harassed enough, they’ll 404 or delete just to not have to deal with it…and so that group ‘wins’.

I take those posts over to another forum instead to post where I can have an adult conversation about the game .

You do know that the Discourse forums Blizz uses for all it’s forums was originally designed to use btags . That is why all of their other forums use btags as player identites.

WoW was modified because they felt people enjoy posting on their characters but even they realize that was kind of a mistake and has lead to a lot of abuse by people here in the wow forums .

So why should they make a new Forum ID when Btags were made specifically for that and adding friends you regularly play with to a friends list.

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Fam I have seen your part in that too. You aren’t clean and weren’t before that point was reached. Glass house, throwing stones, etc. Wont absolve them it’s not okay to say that to someone but don’t pretend to be a victim here.

They simmered and moved past you. You spent all day on twitter “calling people out” to zero followers and zero retweets.

I do, but I think “need” is a strong word.

Yeah the problem with forum mods is you can never hold them accountable. You got nobody else to speak to once you put in that ticket. My friend is banned for a thousand years for arguing with racists.

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oh, yeah, I can see the moderators point there.
99.999% of the forum would be fine with that, but the trouble makers could certainly turn that into a troll fest, lol.
Id be wondering at some point if they wouldnt be accusing you of being that T-squad or something lol.

Sad part being he could have been hit for a quote of the offending language. Best thing to do is report and move on, brings less potential risk to yourself (not that there should be any for standing up against racists)

I completely disagree. I think we could hold players more accountable if we had them. We could catch players who sock puppet. I also strongly agree, even though I don’t block anyone, believe in account wide ignore.

Gru#1415 I have no fear!


Point to me where i’ve told somebody directly to delete themselves.

You’re confusing something that people do normally on the internet (sharing things to twitter and other social media) to something that is actually heinous and should never be encouraged.

Their welcome to have their echo chamber, but it doesn’t make them right. If anything, not wanting to have an open debate and just shutting people out just puts them wrong immediately.

If i weren’t detered by this the first time somebody says this, what makes you think i would be now? :roll_eyes: :palm_up_hand:

If anything, all that does is make me continue what i’m doing here since it clearly bothers you enough to say this. On top of you guys being so concerned of wanting me to make money off of twitter so badly.

Well at least you understand there’s no real negative that comes with having Btags.

If they just read the thread they would have seen after 160+ posts that it hadn’t devolved into that madness, yet.

That’s funny, I know exactly which posts of mine will end up getting flagged, I just know which words tend to trigger those reactions, it’s unintentional, I mostly just speak the truth but people hate that. Currently on vacation from OW forums, that place is softer than this place.

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They dont get past the thread title before theyve decided to flag bomb.
Seen that 1000 times in here where the title was a little provocative sounding…until you saw the OP content and realized it wasnt offensive in the least.
That and they have you on their list.
They’ll pretend they dont, but one of them already outed themselves inthis thread by bringing up an alt I havent posted on in a LONG time. lol
theyre keeping tabs, taking notes and listing all your alts on your account they can get.
They can call me a liar but bringing up Rahkeetahp…a LONG deleted character…confirms what i said and the behavior.

“Aren’t you the one who brags about having half the forum on ignore, Rahkeetahp?”

That character was deleted so far back I cant even remember when it was lol. A year…two? lol
yet you see they STILL have it memorized.
THAT is the obsessive stalking behavior you will see from some in here.

not anyone you could trust with MORE of your account information.

I got in trouble a few times a few years ago. It probably has more to do with that than anything else. I even got in trouble once for continually opening tickets over a “trouble” I got into that I got into and didn’t agree with.

I’m not an angel.

Problem is are they actually false flags or just a person or persons opinion that the post is a false flag .

I can’t find the actual post but Vrakthris one of the community managers a blue poster (in other words Blizz employee) has said they don’t want to punish people even if they are wrong with their flag because it would discourage people from futher flagging even those things that Blizz agree should be flagged.

Just leave things as they are and if Blizz sees no problem with a post they will restore it .

Just leave punishments to be given to those who use multiple toons on the same account to flag.

I should add. There’s no proof the person who sent that message is the person being accused of doing it.

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Never said you did.

Have entire breakdowns publicly? Express the desire to urinate on certain posters? Doesn’t seem normal to me.

I’m not comparing anything on any scale. Just directly telling you that your actions do not excuse theirs or excuse you furthering them via your twitter rages. Walking away, as the other party seems to have done, was the right choice. You made the embarrassingly wrong one.

Reading your twitter you don’t really seem to care about debates or discourse. Also given your language here, or at least perceived tone ill be fair here, you are more interested in “getting them back” than you are a discussion.

You can believe that all you want, and I know you will. No, it really shows a maladjusted being who never learned to walk away from a disagreement online. Basically you got mad online while posting about how silly it is for people to get mad online. You entire twitter page is very telling about who you possible are attitude wise. How’s /pol/ doing?

Eh, potential stalking, but it’s such a large outlier it wouldn’t be too hard to action against when/if it happens. People also like anonymity but that has it’s own issues.

Good to know, thank you.

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