Sync queue premades need to be abolished

yes im shur ur supposed to start the game wit items that normaly get deleted at the end of erry match jus like q sinkin is just chatting


The thing is if you loot them outside of Ashran, they’ll get deleted when you join the next Ashran.

You have to retrieve them from the mailbox inside Ashran to keep them.

All points to them not intended to being used outside the game they were generated in.

Abusing the Postmaster Loot retrieval system.

I think next time I’ll try to stack on Song Flower in my mailbox see how that helps in next games first fight… It’s easy to tell when something is an exploit.


prekicking “if it wasnt intended they would just check your inventory every game tick until 3 minutes 15 seconds in when the first ogre is slain”

cause u know one of them is gonna say that or something

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It’s just funny how you always end up in these threads despite you being the sole cause of the very problem being discussed. I’ll always point out the truth, you should know that by now.

Calling someone else a bully knowing your playstyle is enough irony to feed a nation.


You won’t shut me up :smiley: I’ll post where I feel like posting.

The argument you’re in the middle of isn’t “Ashran items shouldn’t be used in Ashran” it’s “Ashran items from a completed match shouldn’t be able to be saved and used for the next match”. If that were the case, why don’t frags carry over as a new form of currency, or songflower buffs persist outside of the match?

You’re conflating the two on purpose to avoid being called out for exploiting the system.


dw, crossfaction bgs will do it perfectly.


I never planned to. I’ll just expose you as the spineless narcissist you are every chance I get.

Me being in this thread isn’t weird, I wholeheartedly agree with the topic being discussed by OP and other commenters, these are my people. My question is the same, why are you here? And you don’t have to answer because I know you can’t–It just makes you incredibly transparent.

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I am definitely not any of those things, anyone who knows me knows that. You talk to hear yourself talk. You will sit here and type the same drivel over and over and over.

how do u hear text

corrected the slight mistake u made

and im actually wayne gretzky

There is a clean cut solution.

Don’t queue into an epic BG, ever.


How can you believe this when you show up to threads and do the very thing you’re accusing me of? The difference is I’m in agreement with the thread topics, your gameplay is the reason for the problem being discussed? Beginning to understand?

It’s funny because you can’t deny how toxic your gameplay is when you miraculously show up on every threads discussing that very problem–usually lying and denying. So, you are acutely aware of the problems you cause?


Premades(6+players) = bad in non-rated content where many players are trying to learn and earn gear.

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The game has become unplayable. It is literally called random epic BG’s. They should be sued for false advertising. Fix the game you epic morons.


So you mean don’t enter an Epic that your sub allows you to enter because players are cheating the system….sounds right.


Yes. If you’re not enjoying something, the logical answer is to stop doing it. Beats incessant forum whining.

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Well if players don’t complain and my goodness there is a load of them being ignored, nothing gets done. That’s what players come to the forums for, mainly to discuss, complain in the hope this company does something about it.

Would it hurt them to come out with a statement that at least it’s getting looked at. No. Too busy catering to the old warcraft releases.

Tell me where else do people have to go to air their grievances? Also, if they actually were active on the BG Forums people would complain less.


I have no reason to suggest people dont complain, I’ve complained. But until I hear EBGs dont have pre-mades because something has been done about it from several independant sources, it is dead content for me. There isnt enough potential rewards to logically offer, for me to sign up to most likely face a nearly full/on coms EBG community. My time is worth more to me than paying a sub to sit in a graveyard.


Agree with you there. The game is being ruined.


In an Ashran right now, Alliance have only 11 players. Premade bailed.