Sync queue premades need to be abolished

That ain’t exploiting. That’s using tools from that BG. My rogue friend is good at it :wink:

you could add conditionals to a macro + interrupt so if you pressed the button while your opponent was NOT casting a spell you would not interrupt, if they were casting, you would interrupt it
This existed until a few months ago

so until then i’d imagine you’d be like “no yeah the auto kick macro is ok because its in middle school now”

they literally are, the exploit is NOT looting the items so then they get sent to the mail

Unsportsmanlike behavior :sob:

its how it goes when syncq players cant swallow their misbegotten pride

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Literally is


but it literally is cuz liek the match hasnt started yet and to me imo it just seems like a scummy thing to do . At least imo ofc .

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Good luck trying. Don’t blink if you do try.

Great…Blizz is capable of fixing things.

If they decide that unlooted items from Ashran going to my mailbox is a problem they can fix that. I’ll accept their decision. Until then, it’s a part of the game.

Also, if they decide that using Ashran toys before the gate opens is is a problem, they can fix that too. Until then, it’s part of the game.

And you know, the “pugs” are doing this stuff too. Have been for years. This isn’t a premade exclusive. This isn’t some new territory we just crossed into. I get it that you dislike the premade communities, but you can’t blame us for everything.

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Do you premade Epic BGs? If so, then we can continue to blame you and your community. Blizzard did fix the group size and set it to no more than 5. But the premade communities decided that instead of accepting that decision, to bypass it and abuse addons/sync queueing to get around it.

Also just because there are bugs in the game, does not mean they should be abused. In actuality you should be reporting it and trying to get it fixed.

Taking advantage of bugs and or other mechanisms to gain advantage is called exploiting.

To the “pugs” that do it too, well they are in the same boat. Premade communities are just in the larger one.


I’m not going to defend or attack Q syncing (I sync often and I’m not sorry) but there is a misconception running rampant on here that the non-syncer’s don’t seem to realize.

Almost every community regularly takes queues with 10-15 people… Say we have 60 people in discord playing together and having fun. We all Q for epic random (maybe we don’t even queue at the same time, maybe we even stagger 15 seconds or a minute apart). There just aren’t that many Epics BGs started per minute. Even without syncing we’re likely to get groups of 10-15 in the same battleground because there are so many people queueing.

I’ve seen every single community take tiny queues and still absolutely destroy the EBG (BF, AVM, RR, BSG, etc), the other side will recognize 2 people and everybody screams premade and gives up, even when it isn’t.

I remember a month or two ago I queued into an epic with 11 or so of us in discord. The other side was entirely pugs, no team, but they had Mut (Mohz)… he by himself did probably triple his next teammates damage. He was absolutely deleting our pugs players like speedbumps. Add two more hunters like him and people would scream premade.

This illusion of every game being against a full 40 man premade is ridiculous. What you’re usually actually running into is a few fully geared players that know how to play the BG and know how to do a lot of damage in a small window of time (or healers that know how to use their cooldowns in a BG (its not the same as Arena)).


So you exploit the system. Got it.

Fair enough. Due to the amount of people that are left.

So 25% or more of the BG (coming from your 10-15 people) being fully geared deleting casuals in a few hits and probably multiple casuals within a short time frame or burst window.

Point is 25% of a BG being fully geared and organized is a huge margin of lets say the Pugs are at…10% of geared? Probably have a few 2-3 man groups as well.

I think what I am getting at is, do you(or your communities) not see the negative impact that can have on the overall health? 10 games as a Pug where 25% of the enemy teams are fully geared and communicating together and losing all/most of those, why would they continue to play? Does that not lower the overall population? Some people use this to gear alts, blow off steam after work ect… and they get the sweat.


like I said, not arguing for or against. just clearing up misconception about premades. idc if you like them or not, its a social game and I play with people i like.

We don’t even coordinate against pugs, last night we were talking about zoo animals and such while we played. If you want a persistently fair and level playing field, maybe solo shuffle is more your jam.

As for negative impact, I’d say q syncing has been in the game for… ever? We did it in vanilla, people used to use oqueue for it in wod, and since oqueue got banned, they’ve done it manually since. Maybe it just seems worse now because the playerbase is low due to the end of the xpac? idk. I solo q all the time too, sometimes I run into a premade groups (5 or more players) occasionally but honestly not even 50% for me

Hell, we used to have RUIN camping IoC for HOURS on end… they’d held people hostage for a long long time while they GY camped… what was that BFA?

Again my aim isn’t to defend, idc what people think about it. Blizz has done a bang-up job not fixing anything pvp related in years (I still can’t hardly see where earthen wall totem boundaries are…)


Epics in the past used to be chaotic and game would constantly change sides. It was balanced chaos. Then eventually more and more premades were forming, it was never as prevalent as it is today. You could go full days not seeing the same players.

Rarely you would see a premade I think Hydra or Ruinous.

This will fix itself out, sure it will happen the first couple games and only the most loyal would do it, the others would get tired of losing all day and being forced to throw. They join the communities to win.

I believe it will be healthy for the overall Epic BG scene. Maybe even reg BG if there are 10-15 man syncers.


There’s more methods of queuing than ever before.

Even non rated, there’s 4 forms every week.

I appreciate your thoughts on it, but the reality it is has a negative impact every time someone refuses to queue epics due to experiences with premades (specifically epics since they are by far the most abused).

Epics are also worse bc a premade creates a horrible time commitment for most players when it goes to a 45min+ game that they’re getting stomped in, plus every poor sucker who takes a queue and gets pulled into the game late.

I’ve got one achievement left in IoC for Khan the I’m never returning to epics again.

The thing is epics would be fun with groups of 5 alone. Could do a lot - defend towers, flip bases, etc.; play like a small ops team going to take care of business.


I think it started going up massively in Shadowlands. During Legion/BFA, there was syncers and also we still had multiboxers in BGs who would fight premades. (Malseph and Prepared)

Its possible that there are simply less players in Epics overall, which makes the issue apparent today.

All the classic players who left retail to do old school epics.

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has nothing to do with premades and everything to do with pvp player population. at peak times there’s only 3 or 4 epics going at the same time. maybe 2 in off hours. thats why you’re seeing the same players.

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Thats why I want cross faction, to shuffle the remaining players “evenly” on both sides.

When horde has 5 parties running at night and alliance has 26 parties, it doesn’t result in balanced games.

The way I see it is there would be 31 parties queuing against/with each other simultaneously.


I wish there was a category for epics like, 25v25 premades that was popular. I MUCH prefer fighting other premades and that can be insane amount of fun. Most of the people I play with don’t like fighting pugs anymore than pugs like fighting us. The whole cross faction BG thing people are talking about would be fine too (esp since a specific premade bracket probably wouldn’t be popular).

Our participation is always highest when we’re trying to fight RR or SPM (We’ve had some really good games with RR recently)

I got curb stomped by AVM couple months ago, I looked in their discord and they only had like 6 people in disc. Premade or not it’s gonna happen /shrug


I wouldnt mind if they made all epics 25x25 with Blitz mount speed 250%

I love finding myself in a premade vs premade that goes down to a reinforcement battle. They’re the best battles.


Still exploiting the system, regardless of how you try to rationalize it.

If I hack into Bank of America through a known Microsoft Server vulnerability that BoA hasn’t yet applied the patch to, I’m still going to get arrested.

Just admit you lack integrity and move on


Fair enough, we can agree to disagree on things.

I think this is something that the entire pvp community can agree on. I wish that instead of Plunderstorm they would have added more maps or fixed some of the glaring issues with PvP.

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That isn’t true, the part where you say we queue epics random. I know for a fact that you all do a countdown and Torture’s Community even requires an add-on.