Sync queue premades need to be abolished

for me its early morning in pst not sure what tiem it would be for you for me usally 3 am + esp last night back 2 back all the same ppl 5 epics in a row zzzzzzzz

also been in a few ashrans where groups “premades” are exploiting and using toys right out of the gates when the match starts like the dino horn .

Yeah, I had no idea that you could do that until recently.

I wouldn’t call using a toy in a match designed to use those toys an “exploit”.

I generally run in the afternoons when im not working, I’ve seen some Chinese horde groups that are pretty tough going up against. Other than that ya…you’re right its mostly pugs. RIP

Those are Oceanic players, not premade syncers. The oceanic player base is small, you’d see the same names. When they get in the game, the first topic is always… “Hey, how long did it take for your Q to pop?” Everyone replies, “too long!”

its not a “normal” toy its an ashran item and it is an exploit 100% esp how they are doing it. (via using it as as soon as the game starts) . I cant explain it here for obvious reasons .

At that time it might be ruslan/wojtek. He’s very good at organising pugs. runs with brute force a lot from what I’ve seen but then switches to horde after they log.

yupp seems like it was his groups .

that was one of the two that were wrecking alliance in premades this morning for epic bgs. soon as i saw their name each match i was like nooooo

I feel I see him on alliance more often as wojtek but who knows. Kill Yinzi if he’s with him on horde and you’ll have a better chance. Sorry yinzi :heart_hands:

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The toys are removed from your inventory at the end of the match

Do explain to me how people are legitimately getting those toys before the gates are even open.

You are eliminating the peewees on one side though. Upsetting the balance.

Its supposed to be disorganized chaos on both sides.


“Its supposed to be disorganized chaos on both sides.“

is it though?

I think you know how.

Ashran has been out for 10 years. You have been able to do the no loot mailbox thing for 10 years. TEN YEARS! That not an exploit, thats a feature.

Works with the bloods in AV too, btw.

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Wanna explain to me why they remove the toys from your bag when you leave the game


Yeah. A q-syncer calling people who don’t q-sync “entitled” is peak cognitive dissonance.


I can tell this is going to be a circular argument, but if they didn’t want us to hang on to these items then why do they send them to our mailbox and let us squirrel them away for later use. Is it a bug? Maybe. Ten years, though? I mean…


Yes, rated is where the competitive go.

Small groups queuing together nobody cares about. It’s you sweaty tryhards exploiting the queue system that ruins it for everybody not you.

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they are not they are sent in the mail and premades keep using them using mailbox toys to retrieve them , clearly exploiting. Seeing how the game hasnt started yet .


I believe it’s when you go to loot a creature, ignore the items and close the loot box. So it goes to your mail instead.

But instead of opening your mail outside the instance, you use a mailbox toy to open it inside the instance.

Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but this is how I remember it.