Sync queue premades need to be abolished

i post on the toon im currently playing.
ludo is pretty much geared so on to the next one. prot war is next but i might slum it on my 60 next week tho not sure.

You know , I don’t now since bgb came out that’s about all I do. The glider is yet another example of people having to do something to be on the same playing field as everyone else. I do however believe it’s nothing like stacking your team of 20-40 “friends” hopping in discord and Que syncing so you can send spies and dodge other premades. Nice attempt to deflect the topic of conversation though.

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its not a deflection. it’s one example that shows exactly how much effort most pug players/groups put towards winning.

i wish peewees playhouse was still a thing. the word of the day would be “complacent”.

Seems a pretty random demarcation, I don’t think I have a glider on me because I have the tinker. When I call for a paratroop drop to stables almost everyone has a glider of some sort, there may be 1 or 2 but lumber mill needs a defender or two. I’ve seen where the pugs get serious against a sync premade and see a lot of gliders from them in AV.

Imagine defending exploiting the queue system then turning around and blaming PUG players for the current state of EBGs.



Let’s say a full raid group ques premade synced, and they get split due to cross faction, what do you think happens? You have a half premade vs another half premade.

Then you end up with a group coordinating on discord that can insta kick any others that don’t do their monkey dance.

How you think this will solve premade issues is confusing. You’re just splitting the raid group, not eliminating them from the ques. Period.

Cross faction would fix nothing at all other than give everyone the same average que time. Raid groups would still be in the solo ques. Which is still sidestepping the rules. Splitting them accomplishes nothing to address that raid groups should not be in these bg’s.

The simple fix, without destroying the game further with bad “new” ideas, is to have grouped vs grouped and solo vs solo. Then you absolutely have no more premades in solo ques. Choosing a destructive and ineffective method of cross faction when better alternatives exists makes no sense.

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You know factions start at different sides of the map? Yes?
You know that in AV, one faction is better suited for a turtle, yes?
One side has an advantage in IoC when hangar is the go.
There are many examples of playing differently depending on which faction you are on.

You must be a mid fighter.

nope because there would be a very small chance any premades end up on the same team.

i think you are confusing yourself here . There is no splitting any one up for anything . The same restrictions we have now 5 ppl to a group only . Group / account/ stacking deserter buff . Removal of merc mode .

so i think you are confused .

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have you ever played blitz or any rated anything ? It lit doesnt matter what faction you will spawn on either team red or team blue . LOL . Stop making up fake arguments to prove your point it wont work .

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enjoy cross faction when it comes bargain bin sun tzu

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I 100% agree and this needs to be handled somehow, it’s exploitation of game mechanics to gain an edge and often they end up farming honor with it by the end. If I wanted to play against teams with coms and kill targets, I would play rated, which is what they should be doing. I don’t like that game play, I stick to randoms and solo’s if I want to play rated, very rarely have I dipped into RBG’s but for the most part I don’t want to play that way. This game type was fine even with the imbalanced and stale maps before, at least it was tolerable to a fair degree, but these squads cause massive deserters at the beginning of every match on the opposing faction leading to a snowball tidal wave that never recovers where they’re guaranteed the win. I’m fine with losing, I’m not fine standing around in the cave of another AV while I watch my team get refreshed 4 times over as they realize what they’ve join and desert as well. Those are your choices, regardless of skill and gear, you can either be farmed, hide, or desert and lose your ability to play the game type THAT YOU WERE TRYING TO PLAY AS INTENDED. This needs to be remedied, but I already have zero faith in Blizzard or WoW Devs to give a single damn about PvP while they’re busy playing Fortnite.


Yes, I usually have gliders, and pots in my bags as do almost all players that PvP. You kinda need to be on an even footing against others and thats not circumventing restrictions like Epic syncers…

Just accept the fact that you only Epic Premade to stomp pugs, if you had to face against another premade everytime and I mean everytime then premades would just crumble and implode.


I don’t believe cross-faction play is the answer to the issue of premade syncing. We’ve seen instances where alliance players, acting as mercenaries, intentionally sabotage games. If such dishonesty occurs within a straightforward Merc system, what’s to stop it from happening in cross-faction scenarios? Would it be much easier for them to trade games within comms?


I don’t understand how it would justify their forming organized teams to fight bad players, sounds like they’d have an overwhelming advantage just by their presence alone. Maybe I do understand which is why I don’t respect it, they belittle the people to justify why it’s OK for them to abuse them.


With cross-faction, you don’t know which side you’re going to be placed on. That alone would make it a hell of a lot harder to sync parties. The best you could do is have your single party of five (i.e. normal premade) and hope for the best.

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It’s WoW, exploit early exploit often. I think even without any gain people would still work the system if they could but there are other potential benefits to cross faction like better match making in regs that might alleviate the issue indirectly. Also in epics at least healers would be balanced which would reduce the overwhelming losses, it’s not fun solo healing 40 when your opponents have half a dozen healers.

It would reduce frequency but potentially make the ones continuing worse.

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“Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.” mayoclinicdotorg


I’ve seen so much bullying in my life that I worry it’s so integral to our nature that we’ll never break it with reason. A better judge of character is how someone treats their enemies rather than how they treat their friends, most people don’t seem to get that.

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In this matter I agree and also disagree with you. Lately have just been solo queueing and YES many PUGs don’t have gliders or food. Most of the time I have to constantly beg for fort, Mage food, or Warlock cookies. So yeah a lot of PUGS are ignorant and don’t use all the resources to win cause to be honest they don’t care.

With that said it doesn’t change the fact that EPICS have been ruined by these large pre-made groups, EPICS should be for fun not 25+ people on discord with full conquest gear.