Sync queue premades need to be abolished

You can guess who.

They’re mass reporting posts, so I’d prefer not to get involved.

To reiterate, when people search for info on forum posters on other websites, they need to realize they’ve developed an unhealthy fixation and they need to stop. They’re going down a dark rabbit hole and it won’t end well for anyone.


What about your Forum Parse!?!

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The funniest is that it’s coming from Inemia who was threatening RL consequences for “illegally” recording a discord conversation, then tries to shame someone else.


Inemia is a funny one.

Getting back to the original post though premades are just for bad players who still need to resort to the dated concept of grouping in this game that has been adding more solo stuff for a long time.

Also people who have not a care in the world about the experience of everybody else outside of them and their own group. Which is sad for people who go on about the “gaming community” and “gamers at large” only ones that identify with them evidently.

Actively screwing both your own faction and the enemy one every time you que sync someone starts players down so in reality you are screwing upwards of 80 people at a time out of a fun game all so that you can have a 0 effort stomp. And then say you are not selfish.

Some self reflection is in order.


And you know they know everything you’ve just said is true. Why else would they intentionally engage in every “Premades are bad” thread? I just can’t get over the lazy gaslighting and holier-than-thou attitudes–It’s bizarre how openly awkward these people are.


for the record i didn’t find or post the video, i just watched it.

apparently, you think its funny to go around triggering veterans with ptsd, but you think you aren’t toxic.

who do pug players complain to at work when their peers outperform them doing the same job? whats the excuse?
“Susan in purchasing types almost twice as fast as me. Its not fair i want her fired!!”

You really thought you were cooking with that one.


so just afk out of the office?

its so undercooked it’s still alive

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if your spot gets backfilled at work you cant reque. have to go to the welfare office.

Well, we all know you’re not a veteran nor do you have ptsd so idk what this has to do with anything at all.


if it kept track of that i would be gray parsing, but i make up for it in other ways.


yeah i am. but what’s more important is that you guys think going around bullying and triggering people is funny, yet you want to call us toxic for what again? playing with friends and winning a lot?

it doesn’t seem like you want to create a better pvp game overall so much as attack and tear down various pvp communities that you have turned into your own personal demons to blame for your losses.

:sob: :skull: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

Claiming people are “bullying” and “triggering” you proves you are not a vet bud. Claiming false valor is a serous no no bud do better.


no it doesn’t. those aren’t even remotely related.

but doubting an actual veteran is even worse.

You are the one trying to use being a “veteran” as a shield bud.

Hilariously incorrect but thanks for proving me correct.

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so let me get this straight, you think its okay to go around trying to trigger people’s mental health issues as long as they aren’t a veteran?

again how are you not a toxic bully?

Incorrect… mostly because nobody is doing that. Calling you out and holding you responsible is not “bullying” or anything of the sort… and if you’re “triggered” that’s a you problem. Now claiming false valor… that’s not ok at all. Also claiming PTSD… that’s just pathetic.