Sync queue premades need to be abolished


Yeah, it’s really creepy/weird when people try to track down bg forum posters on other websites.

When you (generic you, not Mohz) post TikTok videos, Reddit threads, etc. showing everyone you’ve been searching for IRL information on other forum posters, that makes the bg forum feel very unsafe.

That’s the intention right? Scare forum posters so they don’t dare to criticize your cheating/exploiting in WoW.


Yea, It’s a hidden threat of “we know you on a personal level”. Spooky and makes wanting to deal with them even less appealing.

We’re beyond in-game banter and rivalries (to be settled by duel to the death in durotar)…


Oh, these folk are a particular form of scum. You get toxic players in most games but rarely seen this level of deviance. The obsession with making other players miserable is borderline pathological.

Upside is they make enemies wherever they go and all you have to do is stand up to the pathetic little bullies and bam, instant friends and allies. It’s great.


I actually find it considerably easier to queue epics solo on horde for some reason. Are all premades on horde side these days?

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:rofl: :rofl:

Wanna be friends?

Hmmm. I wonder what my achievements and language say about how long i’ve played. Maybe one of you whippersnappers can do an analysis, but stay off my lawn.


Bahahaha of course here comes the lies and hate drop it all bud.

First off I ain’t your son and second you can try and drop whatever you want lol you guys already tried to slander and spread lies about me and it failed so sure go ahead and try again :wink:

No lol not at all but thanks for asking.

if you don’t join the discords its just counting backwards with no drama.

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You have a similar name to an idiot named Thaesus. After check pvp looks like you may not be the same person. The yapping comment remains. You’ve got to be tired at this point or at least have lock jaw.

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Yeah, Thaesus is in DJL. And doesn’t cause any drama.

haha I was wondering because I have never been a part of a sync queue community, but this is made for yapping so I will continue until the cheaters are gone

they cant do anything to me that i haven’t already delt with or been through at this point its just harassment . Esp since how i haven’t even mentioned any of them in months tbh .

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Which losers are doing this now ?

Colour me not surprised if its Inemia. The dude has some mental issues but he is fun to trigger :rofl:


Dang they big mad flagging posts again. Sadge

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i need a breakdown of whats been going on looool, ive been PvEing and parsing my little warrior heart out.

right yet they say im the one doing it like ive been playing overwatch minding my own business

well the usual happened as always :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Yeah, once you get into posting someone’s real-life name/real-life details that’s definitely crossing a line of sorts - and at the very least it’s creepy/stalker-y

Attacking a poster on a video game forum is fine and all since a character name is usually separate from IRL stuff, it’s just the crossing over into posting the player’s real-life stuff that is going a bit too far