Sync queue premades need to be abolished

they just drop queue and cause a 10v40 to happen
this solution is something i’d expect from one of the echo chamber leads

Yeah, unfortunately thats true, constant drops would be a work around.

I forget sometimes how slimey Epic Syncers actually are

Who was recorded on Discord ?

No. Reducing to 3 has nothing to do with the other issue. Obviously.

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I meant do both… reducing the party size obviously wouldn’t do anything to stop people from continuing to assemble into larger groups.

However, 5 on comms in a 15-person match like EOTS still causes people to cry out “premade!” and leave or give up before it starts.

So, fix the whole thing AND reduce the size, too. Reason being, waiting 10-20+ minutes for a queue for it to pop and be a total waste of time is horrible. People /afk out and a portion just exit WoW. It doesn’t help the state of PvP at all.

To be perfectly clear:

  • Reduce the size of allowable premade groups so that it’s not 1/3rd+ of a team.
  • End the workarounds to larger premades via a combination of tech and punishments.
  • Get rid of level syncing down to lower brackets or adjust the template/mechanics of it accordingly.
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I think there’s some weird off hours horde syncers too, but they play after BF is pretty much done. They play Asia or Aussie times, not sure what to call it really. But they sync against alliance pugs.

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It depends on the individual, not the “community,” per se. One can be a member of a community but not necessarily in tune with the hivemind. Someone who prefers not playing vs. pugs and only playing against other synced groups would fit your definition. I’m just not sure how many people in communities fit this definition. The way they type and act on the forum belies that definition.

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war games would be more frequent if these people actually existed in a significant quantity


I like the concept of war games but don’t like how people make it so min-max. Not everyone gets a shot. The whole point of random epic BGs is to just queue up and play, whatever spec or gear level you are. The only matching really necessary is number of healers and tanks.

Also, not everyone likes to schedule specific time slots out of their day to play war games.

Im sure you can find out who it is easily. Just another leader of a sync community that all the other sync communities dislike apparently for similar toxic behaviour


The priest also sometimes known as the disbander ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I suppose it’s understandable that people from the same geographic area, considering the time of day and the fact that it’s a small pool of players who play at that same time every day, might appear to be in a group sync to most. We need more players.

Weekend day times you can see Horde premades just like Alliance does.

quite laughable if im honest

its 39 min of him trying to control who can play with who .

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that priest is around here sometimes dont see any of them often anymore oof

I’ve never seen one of these “premades” you speak of, so what happens? They all click que together or something?

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It was such a nothing burger Oca had a discord meltdown not two days ago and left a post calling people traitors for playing with other groups lol


Wouldn’t call them dumb… they’re just smug to an annoying degree.

23 November 2004

Damn dude, you got no chill. Goats will really steep so low as to try and attack people IRL.

big yikes. hope you get banned.