Sync queue premades need to be abolished


also, if that is the case, then why do i have my own groupies who follow me around thread to thread even though they’ve been on ignore for months?

maybe to sound cool or more legit, idk, there is always that guy pretending to have played way back when, but he doesn’t have enough achievements, doesn’t have old enough achievements, and doesn’t use the right slang for someone who actually played for 20 years, even if it was only off and on.

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I don’t care about grammar when it comes to a video game forum.

I’m not that sad to make up stuff about a video game.


so why did you?

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none of this matters you still qsync so trying to correct anyone on grammar here is bold of you tbh


Didn’t. Why does it bother you I’ve played for so long ?

you would have to have actually played that long for your question to be valid.

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But I have played that long lol

Why are you so upset that another dude has played the game for 20 years ?

like i said:

Bro… I can’t even begin to imagine how you deal with yourself. You are very entertaining for me, watching you get your knickers in a twist over this.

But still 20 years :stuck_out_tongue:


if “knickers in a twist” means pointing out how you are trying to pretend to be some long time veteran player when you aren’t, then sure.

20 months would be more accurate.

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Your hilarious bro :rofl:

Still 20 years pal :stuck_out_tongue:

i think i broke Opal

Whatever helps you sleep bud,

Still 20 years :stuck_out_tongue:

Throwing out red hearrings seems to be one of the go to for syncers


Stated like a true premade supporter.

Sure they are. Discord, instructions on what they want you to do, co-ordinated joining.

You must have been living under a rock, or you’re in one of the communities.

So what do you see as true changes?

I am fully aware people have been premading. I’ve played since the beginning. However we are speaking about the way the game is played now not back in Classic etc.

Oh, I thought this did not happen?

That is your opinion. There are plenty of people not happy about it. Thanks for participating and replying to my post. Your opinion, while some of it has value, overall I feel you love premades. Have a beautiful eve!


Would be cool if they reduced party queuing to 3 [edit in bold for clarity] and also put an end to people janking the queue to do full or near-full premades.

Reminds me of super casual guilds that queue into LFR as a group lol


Would be even better if they just gave suspensions to people found to be Epic Q syncing.

Tried one just now. Ally had 4 healers, horde about 11-15 healers and it was a premade… Why did I even bother…

Oh well, AFK out and sign up on another character.


ok so your genius plan to the people who circumvent the queue system to bring 30+ people into a game using groups of 5, is to force them to circumvent the restriction in groups of 3?

dear lord.

I can see the groups be more likely to be split up but yeah its a worst idea than actually Policing the system Blizz currently has in place.

Just hand temp suspensions to those that do it. Will solve it pretty fast.