Sync queue premades need to be abolished

No idea, I play with alot of folks, I dont remember those kind of details, I do remember griefers though like the one that disbanded a community of 800+ of mine.

you literally quoted me.

who was that?

Correct, but you are making an incorrect claim.

I might be thinking of someone else but I still will never join a sync community sorry.

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i dont think anyone asked

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Your mom did :slightly_smiling_face: JK

typed by a 30+ year old btw

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im only 26 btw.

no, you are the one calling ASD NPD.

I mean I do other pvp besides epics lmao. You really think I’m out here every night doing nothing but 40 man bgs.

No there is a big difference between autism and narcissism.

There was a lot of back and forth there I kinda skipped over of "no, sync queuing is (or is not) against the rules.

If it is a voilation(or should be), it’s blizzard’s job to step in and do something about it.

I find queue syncing, win trading, and many other exploits as such. Until they do not exist BGB is where Ill be, unless queue syncing becomes more prominant there (BGB) than it already is.

If the behavior looks immoral to most non-queue syncing players, it probably is. If morality is not a factor worth considering for someone, I wont change their mind and neither will you.

it’s a bad comparison because it ignores the coercion people who resisted german gov/military faced. People who decide to “break rules” by premading are not facing any kind of comparable risk whatsoever. You are also already convinced that q-syncing is definitely a net positive activity and worth breaking rules for, in the same way that breaking rules to save people from unjustified imprisonment and execution is.

If you have ever felt the urge to not try so hard in epic bgs because the matches are too easy, that is your conscience speaking and maybe you should listen. The way things are now, the answer is not “everyone else should premade too”

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that does not mean I shouldn’t advocate for change. I used to absolutely LOVE epic bg’s, but these “communities” have made them completely unplayable. So, I will keep bringing it up until something happens.


how did you get it wrong then? btw HFA+ADHD would be more accurate, though i see AuDHD trending lately. either way, neither are NPD, you are just mad that im stubborn and are calling me entitled.

Incorrect I care not that you are stubborn because I am as well. I care that you are so self-entitled that you actively cheat with very obvious proof that you do yet you do nothing but deflect and claim that your “just better”. I simply think logically and if you act a certain way I am going to call you out on it. If you don’t like that maybe it’s something you can work on.

IMO the self entitlement is the assumption that anyone who plays the game in ways YOU don’t feel the game should be played is cheating.

Incorrect you are playing in ways BLIZZARD says you shouldn’t play. I’m not asking anyone to play the way I do. I’m asking you to play the game Blizzard ask you to.


What rules ?

There are no rules saying that ppl shd not press the bg button at the same time .