Sync queue premades need to be abolished

no, you read what it means in a book but you don’t have real life context or training to decern it from other diagnoses.

might as well be reading tea leaves.

well comparing a video game to genocides is usually well, in chess we call that a “blunder”


Ahh yes here comes the deflection. Maybe if you did some reading and self-reflection, you would understand things better.

no really, people like to pick up a DSM and think they are certified diagnosticians, going around applying labels to anyone they think fits their interpretation of what they read. people like that cause more damage than they help, you should stop.

No really, you project classic narcissistic behavior. It doesn’t take a doctor to think logically. Maybe you should give it a try?

like what?

Entitlement is a big one.

i didn’t compare a video game to genocide, the genocide is why we know that blindly following rules without question is wrong, thats all the point was.

i just want to point out that yes we premade epics, but we also have expanded into other content. we’re expanding into PVE, currently working on developing relations with another pve community so we can raid and form m+ groups :grinning: :slightly_smiling_face:

how am i entitled?

Aren’t you part of that group that kicked me out because I have different opinions?

i dont think so lol

Just to show a few.

With that one “girl” that tried to claim a bunch of stuff on the forums about me lol

This was probably in SL? different times i can tell you that lol

so poking your ego, calling out your rude behavior, and pointing out that the reality of the situation does not match your ideal make me entitled?

no that was season 2. They claimed I was a trash healer because my druid had no gear lol

You did none of those things.

yes i did.

No, you did not.