Sync queue premades need to be abolished

if everyone has free access and will eventually learn as a part of their journey of mastering the game, then it isn’t unfair, and “cheating” is just your opinion.

You are not “mastering the game” you are exploiting to gain an unfair advantage.


as entertaining it is to read inemia’s fried takes, premades have been happening since BFA, I’m sure blizz is aware and has done nothing about it until something is done about it you’re just complaining into the void. if you’re looking to join a community let me know ruthless#12255

How about you read out loud to the class what the error text says when you try to queue as 6 or more players

this is not rizz

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Can’t beat them join them?

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I would never join a community lol and yes cheaters have existed sense the start of the game,w but the epics are OVERRUN by premades and it needs to change.

Do you guys consider 90% of your retorts on these forums as “wins”?

If so dear lord the orcas have surpassed us in communication capability

what we can def agree on is that sitting on the forums QQing isn’t going to help anyone win more.

Yet you guys will always find these posts and attack and deflect. Ironic lol

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They really do, but it’s just classic narcissistic behavior so we honestly can’t be surprised.

multiple monitors

Completely missed the point… but that’s not surprising.

It rlly is ironic how this crowd cannot resist ANY opportunity to (poorly) justify themselves or (really poorly) gaslight

Like if I make a thread saying “Syncs are bad” you better believe the usual suspects will be there before anyone else


try being more direct

This is pretty direct bud… but you are looking for excuses to spam report.

which is why you guys just spam reported my post.

it seems like everything you say and do is projection.

I didn’t spam report anything. In fact, I didn’t even report that post.

Don’t use a word you don’t understand.

oh, like “narcissist”??

I know what narcissist means. And it applies to your behavior very well.