Sync queue premades need to be abolished

someone who lets success or not in a video game affect them irl SHOULDNT BE PLAYING VIDEO GAMES

they already ban cheaters in rated and those guys are back 5 minutes later with a new account. and iirc there is currently a legal debate about who actually owns your account with many believing that you do in fact own your character and it is illegal for blizzard to actually ban you as TOS and EULA are not legally binding as they are agreed to under duress and not without legal representation to explain what it means.

on top of that, you have the psychological aspect of blizzard went out of their way to addict an entire generation of gamers to their game and waste decades of their life, i remember watching a video where blizzard lost all the characters on some dudes account and he started freaking out like his children had died, you don’t get to just idly ban someone like that an not expect life altering consequences in return. its all fun an games until some nutjob commits a terrorism because his account got banned.

so, someone human should not be playing video games? what are you then?

im a rational human adult. video games aren’t real. if you’re letting it influence your attitude in your everyday life its a problem.


but, this isn’t a rational thing to say:

you’re starting to sound like an alcoholic.
which makes sense if a person is addicted to video games.


If you choose to break the rules you choose to suffer the punishment.


not every rule is worth following. not that we are breaking any.

Just because you feel like the rules don’t apply to you doesn’t mean you aren’t breaking them. You may also feel not every rule is worth following but that’s simply because you are a selfish narcissist.

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where did i say that?

you can’t go around calling everyone who doesn’t agree with you a narcissist.

This is where you said that.

I’m not, I’m calling an obvious narcissist a narcissist.

There is no rule against sync queuing . Keeping on saying that won’t change that fact . Your purpose may be better served by raising this up in the bugs forums , ask Blizz to do something about it . As it stands now , premade groups are doing nothing wrong


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.


If blizzard condoned large groups, why did they limit group sizes to 5?

There never seems to be a good answer to this.

Sync queuing is intentionally getting around the 5 player limit put in place. You are breaking the rules/limitations blizzard has put in place


These people will never admit they are wrong. Even when it’s very obvious they are.


0-100 real quick

What punishment? In the close to 18 years I’ve been in and out of BG premades there’s been zero punishments, outside of having to read these threads daily threatening hellfire and brimstone.

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Blizzard has been ignoring pvp for years. That’s why these posts are made. People want Blizzard to fix pvp and punish those that have been exploiting. Gold sellers ran rampant for year as well and Blizzard it’s just now starting to do something. People are fed up and quitting wow in droves because of people like you. So, either wow will be dead or they will do their job and get people like you out of the game.