Sync queue premades need to be abolished

The problem is that, for ethical pvpers, pvp is kinda spoiled when one side is significantly stronger than the other. The stronger side can just parade around doing w/e without facing any coherent opposition. The ordinary pressure to use your positioning and cooldowns wisely is completely missing from this kind of pvp, for both sides. It does not matter whether or not it is technically cheating imo. Queue-syncing randomly into epic bgs is the proximate cause of many many one-sided matches.

There are changes blizz could make both to the bgs and game rules that could reduce the potenential for disparity in premade vs pug matches, if we even want to keep these two groups mixed together, but the devs are not paying any attention to epic bgs. Without any changes, there simply is not a queue currently available for very large epic bg groups to join and reliably get competitive matches.

Such a thing does not exist.

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They shouldn’t get banned. Blizzard just need to make it impossible to Sync-Q.

  • Step 1 - Cross-Faction BG

  • Step 2 - Warband Account-Wide Deserter

  • Step 3 - remove the leave queue button and add short deserter for not taking a queue (1minute, 3 minute, 5 minute, 15 minute…)

  • Step 4 - Sip tea and enjoy PVP

  • Bonus Step : Solo Q Rated Epic


No one is running scripts lol. At most, they’re counting down over Discord or using addons that are available on curseforge.

Tired of seeing this it simply will not work. Bans need to happen.

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Regardless of how they’re doing it, they’re still circumventing the system that was put in place to prevent more than 5 players queuing together for an epic BG.

Quit trying to defend the indefensible, take the L, and accept the fact syncers are legitimate cheaters.


There’s not more than 5 players queueing together for an epic bg. There’s multiple 5 man parties that might get into the same BG or more likely will get split pops and sent to separate ones. Not cheating.

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Stop with this lie… everyone know they will not enter without their teammates…


Pretty poor attempt at gaslighting


Sorry you can’t handle the reality of things. Best of luck in the future!

highly doubt you are someone that can handle reality.

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This was pretty much your whole arguement:


Try to meme as much as you want. I’m not the one blaming phantoms for my shortcomings.

Alliance do, because they have 50-60 queueing. I’ve been there and seen it.

Regardless if you see it as cheating or not. It’s detrimental to the health of the game and PVP overall. That is a fact.


All premade’s do it’s the whole point of them.


Blizzard has literally told them premade raids drive players away from PvP. Premade raids can see all the pugs, replacement pugs, and replacement replacement pugs leaving their games. Pugs don’t enjoy playing in rigged matches. They’d rather take the deserter debuff.

PvP is supposed to be a fun competition and premade raids are ruining it for everyone.


And the worst part it they have the audacity to call for punishment of the pugs leaving there greifing…


4th one up is a classic example of going into a bg, scanning the opponent to see who is there. If that one doesn’t like it, they leave the bg and thus their fellow hordies who are not part of their community are left. Plenty of us horde have seen and experienced you doing this. Stop it! Don’t leave your fellow horde who are not in your community to survive this. Please!

whats interesting is that ones own proclivity to follow the rules falls on a spectrum, at one end you have people who ignore them entirely, and on the other, you have people who follow them to the letter, both ends are evil with the moral choice being somewhere in the middle: only follow rules worth following.

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