It’s not hard to estimate how often you guys drop queue pops. We don’t need to belong to your community or even be an alliance. As a horde, i have seen so many alliance teams started with 15 players.
These people will NEVER admit they are they problem. There is really no point even arguing with them. Narcissists will blame everyone else and never accept they are the problem.
But it is fun watching them squirm knowing that they probably are ruffled irl if the ‘leaks’ are anything to go by.
Especially when they chase you down in a BG, over extend away from their healer and then they get punted off a cliff and slotted to the GY. I can’t believe ole mate fell for that so easily
Thats what it really is… IRL they have to be horrible human beings; you’d have to be… Especially at the constant and incessant rate they do it at. Literally without feeling, sociopathic and gleefully enjoying watching the suffering of others while blatantly cheating in a game. Freud would’ve called it – “Spooky behavior”. Scary… Like the kids that liked to sit in the backyard and pull the wings off of flies and then let them live. Absolutely raised wrong and without a shred of honor…
These threads are always hilarious. It’s a combo of premaders with circular arguments and the anti-premaders assuming things about people irl.
If you enjoy taking part in cheating and then watching the suffering of others for 8 hours a day, are you a good person?
Lets start there…
I’m not assuming anything… It just is what it is…
how many games did you afk out of yesterday?
How i behave in a video game has zero bearing in how i carry myself in real life. The only people who think it has any resemblance are people who project their own insecurities on others.
LOL! Keep telling yourself that buddy… The real person is cheating in the video game and enjoying the suffering of other players for hours on end; thats who they actually are, then they hide the despicable, cheating person they really are when dealing with others irl. ^ Thats what that means… You just described a closet-sociopath
You seem like the type of person who cries over every little perceived sleight in game. If you don’t enjoy epics or premades then just don’t queue for epic bgs lol.
What these communities do is scummy but none of the ones I have met are horrible people.
If you want me to psychoanalyze you any further, we’ll have to discuss some sort of payment arrangement.
If people behaved drastically differently online than they do in RL, threads like this wouldn’t exist as everyone would be cheating. But you have people who play by the rules both in life and online tired of rules not being enforced to their own detriment.
People who cheat in online games do so because there’s no real ramifications for doing so, or, if there are, they’re negligible.
Projection. Please look inwards before trying to assume things about others.
This is so true…I say this all the time. Normal, healthy humans with level-heads and normal hobbies would never do what the premade clowns do. They’re like the internet-narcissists version of a serial killer that shows up to the crime scene to inject themselves into the investigation.
You want proof they’re delusional?? One of the worst premade offenders shows up to these very threads denying, dodging, and then tries to recruit people. He literally has no social awareness which translates from his actual life to the gaming world.
They said the same thing about Ted Bundy and Gary Ridgeway.
Gary was so ‘‘normal’’ they actually dismissed him as a suspect, at one point.
There’s clearly something off about the people who believe manipulating an MMO queue system is perfectly fine behavior. Bad people do bad things.
When Gary was finally caught - do you know what he told police? He thought he was doing the community a ‘‘service.’’ That’s just how bad people think. I bet they think they’re doing a ‘‘service,’’ too.
You don’t know these people… you only know what discord allows you to know.
Similar to how people act when intoxicated, the true person comes out with the veil of anonymity.
A cop not citing you for littering doesnt make it legal or the right thing to do.
Blizzard put in restrictions. Groups of 5 MAX. And people seem to thing as long as they arent enforcing the max of 5 that its ok to “bypass” the max 5 limit
Its dirtbag behavior and theres no justifying it
One of them actually posted on this very forum - that it’s okay to abuse the system, because ‘‘Blizzard hasn’t done anything to stop it.’’ But they did? They removed the ability to create these large groups for a reason - you people just found a way to manipulate it.
That’s like drinking while intoxicated, and telling your friends… It’s fine, because the police didn’t do anything to stop it. It’s insane the way bad people think.
These ARE bad people… maybe not all of them, but the people leading these communities… yeah - I wouldn’t want them to babysit my kids.
premades = serial killers.
JFC some of you folks are straight up delusional.
Just an example of the way bad people think.
A bad person will always find a reasoning for what they’re doing - and somehow make it to be… perfectly normal behavior.
While they might not be serial killers - they are bad people… who have a flaw in their thinking. They honestly believe they’re doing this community a ‘‘service.’’
If you can’t follow the rules in an MMO - who knows what they’re capable of.
you’re comparing folks who are causing you a slight inconvenience in a video game to serial killers.