Sync queue premades need to be abolished

What exactly are we gaining from WG? other than for fun. I know there are people that do bgs just for conquest and what not they dont do rated.

isnt that what you syncer sillies are all about? the fun and social aspect of it? WG lets you guys continue doing that without harming bystanders by the dozens like you currently do.

unless…there’s a more pathetic motive for you guys avoiding wg in favor of griefing the playerbase…


That’s not true, RR does premades all day and night. We only run a few hours at night.

Last i remember you q sync with bsg, no better than the rest of us.

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its like splinter groups, they do the dumb raid form/distribution thing in the evening, you guys have no excuse, admit why you actually sync.

I understand nuance hasnt been invented in your neck of the woods, that’s no problem but remember that you cannot answer “unless…there’s a more pathetic motive for you guys avoiding wg in favor of griefing the playerbase…” truthfully. :slightly_smiling_face:

There isn’t any other motive lol…faction imbalances are a real thing you know especially in DF. we can get a 40 man formed no problem, horde takes a little bit more time to form and get people. if you can’t accept this answer then you’re beyond help.

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aight so when like 8:30-9pm EST rolls around and DJL and RR have their groups ready to sync, I expect a wargame to start up.

rich coming from the person who lives in a permanent echo chamber

expected response.

stick this quote up on your fridge

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :skull: k cool

Here’s a good example. Last night around 11 pm we had 11-12. RR had 62.

aren’t you guys best friends, just take a few of their players and do a 35ish vs 35ish

whats one echo chamber versus another after all?

The last thing these people want is to be held accountable and to engage in a fair match. They only wargame occasionally to maintain the illusion otherwise.


Where’s your tinfoil hat?

its why they dodge other sync queues LMAO


Can I ask why your group farmed Snowfall GY after you took the Alli base… just curious.


We control SF GY to keep Ally from running in to Galv, causing us to have to send more to defend there.

u guys do understand you have a 500 reinforcement buffer and are fully capable of ending the game long before fw towers are even threatened by pugs?

you farm pugs stop lying, nobody believes you, not even my pet gopher who belives santa is real and that gullible is written on his forehead


I’m an old guy, normally just login at night for a few epic bgs. More times than not, I am up against a premade with 6-8 healers, and my side seems to be with 1 maybe 2. I don’t support preventing people from playing with their friends, but I can confirm it is not fun to have every match against the same premades over and over. I don’t mind getting rolled, but I hate when half of my team sits at the base waiting the clock out. Might as well just leave the match at that point. If Blizz would give us a small amount of conquest maybe every 10 matches (win or lose) then it might be at least worth the pain. lol

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This: You did it to yourselves. Not just a few bad apples either. trees and trees of apples.

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I’m context, it sounds like you’re claiming that GY farming was for the purely defensive purposes of defending Galv, where turning the GY accomplishes the same thing, especially after SHGY is turned and alliance have to funnel through IW choke.

I think almost every Epic Syncing community farms HKs.

Why wouldnt they ? They just spent an hour syncing into a BG avoiding other Premades to get into a game they can end within 10 minutes. They will of course try to extend the Battleground duration to the detriment of everyone else.

Epic Syncers are just scum through and through imo. Cant pvp without major advantages etc.

They are the sole reason I stopped queuing Epics and I know a few others who share that sentiment.