Sync exploiting is out of hand

where is this thread?

Sorry Vrakthis.

Basically, it has been stated, by Blizzard, that is not considered as an exploit, cheating, etc. You don’t get to make the rules.

So, you’re admitting it is not a cheat or exploit then.

Yes, you are allowed to talk about things. Talking about something is not explaining how to do it as you are claiming.

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Only one way to sync a queue lol.

Nope blizzard has this wonderful thing called a TOS you should check it out

Incorrect this blue post is about AV not about current wow.

And? You really are just making no sense at all bud.

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Guess we have that in common lol.

No I am making perfect sense you are just saying nonsense on top of nonsense lol

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AV is in current WoW, it is currently still, a battleground.

You know what, I think it is best to let Moderation deal with you.

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No you aren’t lol.

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Yes, but it was different in 2019… raids could queue together. They cannot anymore.

Well, they restored your spam report so looks like you are wrong.

Ok little buddy whatever you need to tell yourself.

You tell yourself often?

Your trolling is sad and boring.

No it’s not lol.

I got to admit, they are funny. They don’t know how to make an argument or back up their so called facts.

I think moderation needs a payrise after these threads anyways.

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2 things here people won’t like.

When devs think it can’t bw gamed…and stick to it, you aren’t changing their mind. when classic redo started at vanilla some grey hats to use the hacking term said hey blizzard…your phasing can be gamed as they found this feature. they phased at the start for assumed rush of classic play,

They said no it can’t. its probable but not likely and can’t accurately be replicated.

Grey hats said…okay. Addon out to do actually very reliable phasing we had in classic redo. Why wait for respawn.

Its 5 o’clock somewhere as the drinking song goes. Well needed rare spawns were that 5 o’clock. Go find it, lol.

and there can be some random syncronicity. We’ve used this in classic.

In wrath redo it was a very safe bet that first wintergrasp at the start of its cycle would be bot loaded trash. For horde especially.

So we waited 5 minutes…then spammed sign up. First wg underway and full. And we’d get the hopefully less bot filled one.

edit: and alliance gamed this too. On dedicated honor grinds even I wanted that first WG. High win rate against bots who will stare at keep wall…and not do much else. I’d delay when I actually wanted horde that fought back.

You haven’t asked for anything, but I have proved sync queueing is an exploit many times and I can do it again if you want.

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You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.
In [video games], an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it.

Right, so prove that Sync Queuing is an exploit.

Can you queue as a raid in random pvp?