Sync exploiting is out of hand

So it’s ok to queue sync in AV but not anywhere else? Is AV not classified as a battleground?

I’m lost lol.


Your opinion may not agree but what I said is not incorrect.

Stop being intellectually dishonest by thinking that post is exclusive to only AV

Because I dont like people being intellectually dishonest to lie about something thats not an exploit.

It’s never been ok to sync queue. It’s an exploit. I don’t know why you guys think some blue post that doesn’t agree with TOS means it’s ok to disregard the TOS.

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If it’s an exploit, why are you posting about it on the forums? Did you want to get banned or something lol?


Fix what? Something that isn’t broken?

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The forum spam filter, it’s not being aggressive enough.


It’s not my opinion it is fact.

It was an answer about AV therefore it’s about AV. You are the one being intellectually dishonest.

It is an exploit by definition. Sorry your feelings don’t change reality.

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Shhh. Let them live in their own day dream.

They do require voice chat, but I doubt text chat would work. Text chat might be responsible for all the complaints about half the team dropping queue and the BG starting with only the other half left.

I’ve only met one person in all the years I’ve played (since mop) who used in-game voice chat.

Why would I get banned? What an insane thing to say haha

Because it’s against CoC to post exploits on the forums lol.

It just requires something being sent out to all members of the team at the same time to sync their actions. You can do this with in-game text chat.

That doesn’t mean that voice chat isn’t something that can be accomplished with the default UI.

I’m not posting an exploit I am bring attention to it.

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Except you described how to do it lol.

So either OP is right about this being an exploit, and should therefore be permanently banned from the forums, or their wrong, and should only have this thread locked as spam.

It’s a real catch-22 they’ve put themself in.

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Where do I do that?

Well, it looks like you got your lackies to already do it lol but that’s normal for you exploiters you hate being called out.

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No, it is your opinion to think it is an exploit. It is a fact that Blizzard does not look at it as an exploit.

All found under the Forum Code of Conduct. If it as really an exploit, you could face pernament vacation from the forums.


Proof this lol

Good thing that’s not what i am doing lol

How is this explaining how to do it? Are you ok?

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I mean you are literally talking about queue syncing lol.