Sync exploiting is out of hand

Why lie?

What blue post is being ignored?

Not against TOS to make a thread bud lol

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Is it because you resorted to making comments about people’s families because your points got absolutely destroyed before blocking people you couldn’t refute?

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The he one that’s already been linked saying Que syncing over come isn’t against the rules.

It is against the tos to make a thread that’s the same as the other active one.

Making multiple threads on the same topic is against the tos.

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These are two terrible things… I always miss queue’s when I have to go to the bathroom. And sometimes I leave a queue if it pops if my stomach starts to feel too bad by time it pops. I guess you don’t have IBS or any tummy troubles. If I feel I will need to run to the toilet, I rather leave queue then have to AFK

Been proven a few times that post is about AV not current sync queue’s

It’s not the same, but good try.


You should ask yourself this question. Click on the link in Ghaztruk’s post that you replied to, and check the date.

Nov 19 no year lol care to try again?

or, using the built in voice chat, or all be members of the same community.

Nope, Nov '19. The apostrophe means it’s a year, not a day of the month.

If you hover over, the alt-text reveals the full date/time:

It even tells you that in the side-bar slider, Nov 2019.

That post is about BGs in general. Its not exclusive to AV.

Its literally the same topic as two other active threads.

It’s an answer to a question about AV nowhere does it say all bg’s.

It’s not it also includes battleground blitz.

I stand correct but still the post is about AV back in 2019 it’s not about the current rampant sync queue exploiting.

You are being intellectually dishonest if you think that means its exclusive to AV.

" Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity"

Incorrect show me where in there it says it’s ok to exploit all randoms bgs

Again… reread if you need to… it’s not only about random bg’s.

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I think the more relevant line in the CoC is this one:


  • If you would like to report information regarding cheats or hacks to Blizzard, send it to Do not post it to the forums.

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be permanently banned from the forums"

If this is cheating or exploiting, then several people including OP need permanent bans from the forums.

Not the same thing as 8 groups of 5 all trying to get into one AV.

They removed the ability to queue as raids. It’s safe to assume what they are doing wasn’t intended or Blizzard would have never removed that option.


Ahh so you admit syncing is cheating?

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The blue post is stating its not an exploit.

The blue post is not exclusive to only AV.

Still falls under “existing topcs”

I’m saying that by posting this, you clearly don’t think it is.

Given that threads have been flagged and restored, we can safely conclude that blizzard doesn’t think this is either.

But tell you what: if blizzard flips, and permanently forum bans everyone who’s explained how to do this, then I’ll concede that point.


Incorrect again.

Then there should only be one topic under everything… but you are just making excuses because you don’t like people calling out exploiting for some reason.


Well who else is going to run casual modes or anything else in the product. Blizzard both handles software engineering and they do all the IT work to run the servers.

If they don’t do that work, who will?