Sync exploiting is out of hand

I already explained it several times over. Feel free to scroll back up if you’re lost in the sauce, friend.

I’m assuming you looked up something on the internet and are attempting to catch me up in some sort of gotcha if I don’t explain it as exactly as you’ve read it.

You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t participate in your weak attempt at a deflection lmao

Why do you think I stopped doing PVP at the end of Leg?

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I’ve blocked them from the previous thread where they just kept linking something for no reason.

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Another win awesome lol thanks bud.

Just quote it. What was my argument?

No, this is based on what I know of word structure. There’s really no reason to nitpick on ‘semantical’ just like there wouldn’t be for ‘romantical’ (the structure is the same.)

I’m just curious why you choose to use it.

You might as well ignore and not engage the death knight too. My gut is telling me he’s a sock puppet.

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I actually think they might of found there answer when I told them to enter the exact thread. Which is why they’ve stopped replying.

EDIT: Or maybe not.

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That’s what I thought. You get walloped and then throw out accusations unrelated to the topic.

We’ve already been through this. The quote debunked you dude. Leave it alone.

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I quoted it several times over. Feel free to scroll up. I’ve made my points and you’re the one still scrounging for any semblance of a valid argument.

Anyways, back to work. Toodles~

why not put epic bgs in rated and allow premades/ syncs there and keep regular bgs premade/sync free? one would think these premade groups would rather farm cp anyways.

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I scrolled up. There was no argument I made. Which is apropos, given I didn’t make an argument (in regards to the quote.)

I assume this means I won’t get an answer as to why you use ‘semantical’?

Because bowing down to what’s wrong is what makes chaos expand in this world (of warcraft, or not).

Vrak’s quote is evidence that their stance is that they are ok with this, despite being a exploit in our view. It’s not up to us to decide what’s an exploit, it’s up to them, even if we can clearly see it is, from our PoV.

Finally, let’s say, for argument’s sake, that queue syncing is not an exploit.

Then forming raid groups using voice comms while not raid grouped in game to disrupt BGs definitely is against the CoC (disrupting, unfair advantage), but that is much harder to pinpoint without seeing BG logs.

Action should be taken either way in that regard.

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This builds a brick wall that needs to be navigated, though.

If you say no Discord period, that harms people using it in 5s. If you say no Discord for raid groups, you officially legitimize larger groups, and beg the question of why queue syncing has to happen instead of just allowing raid groups to queue up.

This isn’t an argument, to be clear, I’m just pointing out that this is a messy situation to thrust themselves into (them being Blizzard.)

I realize that, which is why, in that other topic, my simple proposed solution was a small random delay on the join queue for anyone queuing.

Another person suggested a limit of 1 premade group per side on each BG, which would break multiple groups on the same side.

Paired with the random delay, those would effectively kill raid groups entering a single BG.

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Say Bloody Mary enough times. she’ll appear.

The amount of name dropping and linking is sure to garner attention.

I hadn’t really given myself time to form an opinion on this. I remember reading the idea, but I forgot about it.

Part of me worries this will create witch hunts to find who the premades are, but I also don’t know if that’s just my negative opinion of mob mentality showing itself. Could be a relative nonissue.

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Ah, so just like the OP, “I don’t like the answer because it isn’t want I want.”

Cool story then.


This already happens though, and it’s quite easy to figure out who is 2-5 group “premaking” in BGs, even when solo.

You always see the same group of people, usually, but not always, from the same realm, usually together, with a very unusual “assistance response time”.

When this applies to the whole team, it’s a full/raid premade.

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That’s fair. I guess I just have it in my head it would create tribalism, but again that’s probably just my personal bias getting to me.

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We don’t know this for sure. They might be just ignoring it.

I agree with you. I don’t like it, but mostly because it’s abusing a system. This clearly isn’t intended behavior for two reasons:

  1. It was possible before to queue as a raid, but they took that feature out because it was unfair. Why would they have made that change if they thought it was ok to queue up as a raid?
  2. If you really think that organizing a premade of 40 people in groups of 5 is fair, I don’t know how I can convince you to think otherwise.

Just because you think it’s ok, doesn’t mean it isn’t an exploit. The real question here is that if/when Blizzard is taking action and this thread was made in the spirits of them taking an action.

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