Sync exploiting is out of hand

Who said I was even educated? On the contrary, I’ve got the latter, and less of the former.

Assuming we mean formal education, anyway.

If Blizzard doesn’t believe it’s exploiting, why should we?

You’re able to not like something, but it doesn’t make it exploiting. It just means you don’t like it.


The backtracking is always fun…

You guys keep saying this even with evidence proving otherwise…

And just like that,


Uh huh… Certainly, Thaedreu.

People have told you, you just don’t like the answer. So you just keep resorting to trolling.

I have proven many times it is by definition exploiting you just don’t like that answer.

Prove I am trolling? Also, I have the evidence. You have some random blue post about a different subject… If anything, logically you would be the troll, but you don’t care much for logic clearly.

But it’s not semantics to say that you hinge your entire argument on that particular word. You do. You recognized it. There’s nothing up to interpretation about it. You ignore everything else stated because Blizzard stated a single word that you think makes all the difference in the world to the broader discussion at hand.

I don’t see how following your very own logic makes me a hypocrite.

Even if you show a Blue post (which has been posted), they think they are lying. It’s entire beef is dishonest.

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This is not what I’m saying is cheating, although this quote is again seriously lacking in context or details.

What is cheating is amassing in Discord, assembling multiple parties, and then coordinating to join the same exact match with the other parties in order to bypass an in-game limitation. I don’t say how many other ways I can say this. It is defined as cheating in the CoC.

And let’s say for the sake of argument that Vrakthris did say that doing this was not cheating: Vrak would be WRONG. He does not make the rules.

That’s hypocritical coming from you, using the argument from authority fallacy. And if you don’t know what that means, it is assuming credibility in one’s argument on the basis of citing an individual or group with certain credentials or positions. Vrak is a staff member, but does not make the rules at Blizzard and is not a reference point for what is permitted or not.

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Incorrect, the blue post does not apply to your argument.

Out of curiosity, what was my argument, Ratherin?

Also, I’m still curious on this;

Why don’t you actually go into the actual thread of the quote that you can click, and read the opening post.

Then you’ll have your answer fully there.

Ask and ye shall receive.

It hardly needs to be pointed out by me, but this thread has totally devolved into endless pedantry.

Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.

Each one more desperate than the last to play word games, steer debates into semantic arguments, and demean each other.

I am reminded of Clinton’s impeachment hearing where we had a long debate over the meaning of the word “is”.

It’s trolls all the way down!

Apologies ahead of time for the offended.

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Ya the answer is the post is about AV in 2019…

is queue sync an exploit?

no it isn’t.

is it a bunch of bad actors whos only goal is to ruin other peoples day for their own sick amusement who have zero empathy nor basic human decency? YEP!

only way i can see to protest is to organize a mass boycott of ebgs and drive those syncer’s join times into the stratosphere.


This kind of BS from a BS troll is why I post once or three times in these threads and then mute them. But I’ll ignore you to start.

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Is it doing something not intended by the game design? Yes, it is… making it by definition an exploit.

And to think, you were arguing in favor of their point.