Sync exploiting is out of hand

If it was on Blizzard’s Terms of Use, they can post the actual link. Blizzard’s owned sites can be posted by everyone, regardless of trust levels.

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Sure, call out the hypocrisy and double standards then. We’re waiting.

No, I ignored the rest because it was nonsensical. Just to be clear – Blizzard can change things without them being an exploit.

No, I’m saying you didn’t read the ToS correctly.

Google is free. Look up blizzard in game TOS

I quoted it word for word. I think you are the one not reading it correctly.

TOS doesn’t say it.

ok, if you are not gonna bother countering that post, there is no talking to you.
To the ignore list.

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That’s terms of sale… I said in game TOS…

Gotta be honest with you. I think you’ll make progress if you don’t choose this particular hill to die on.

If you want to say it sucks as a solo player to get thrown into an opposing premade, I’m on board with you.

If you want to say players are cheating or exploiting, you’re wrong, and you’re going to meet a lot more resistance.

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Well, I am the only one with facts, so I won’t die on this hill.

Where is the In-Game TOS?

I don’t see any In-Game TOS!

Blizzard Support - Blizzard’s In-Game Code of Conduct (

Trolling is getting boring can you grow up a little please?

lol, alrighty then. Best of luck :joy:

^^ The above counters your entire post. You seem to call anything that you dislike or anything that gets changed to be an exploit, but that is simply not the case. The premise of the post fails entirely.

Oh wow, the In-Game Code of Conduct, doesn’t even back up your own argument.

Your feelings do not dictate how the game works the TOS is very clear.

It sure does.

So, point out exactly where Sync-Queues is against the In-Game Code of Conduct.

i am deeply saddened that we cant just talk about this.

its like people have too much ego to admit they just dont like going up against premades. so they have to say its cheating, its evil, its whatever.

i just dont like going up against premades. its not fun for me.


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

It has zero to do with ego and everything to do with fair and honest play.

That says nothing about Sync-Queuing. Once again, you’re just proving how ignorant you are when it comes to the In-Game Code of Conduct.

You got your answers, by the staff, it is just not the answer you like.

Quoting for visibility.

As much as I agree with you that’s it’s bright as day that sync queue is cheating, by their own definition, it’s still subjective, and their current hypocritical ruling is implied to be that sync queuing is not cheating.

Sync queuing is by definition and exploit. It clearly says exploiting is not allowed. This isn’t complicated bud.

This applies to you bud.