Sync exploiting is out of hand

It isn’t a mistake to assume something, nor was it done with zero evidence.

You still haven’t even told me if you’re ESL or not, you’re dragging this out when I could just try (again) to rephrase what I said for you so you can understand what I meant.

But if you really want to know, the reason I made that assumption was:

and similar quirks, like a lack of commas. These are things I see often with friends who are PT-BR ESL (that’s Portuguese-Brazilian English Second Language.)

No offense was meant by it, and if English is your first language, I’m happy to apologize (again, because I did it once and you never responded) and simply rephrase.

I’m not going to let you twist this into a victim complex, though.

yea whatever, you’re just ruining it for the people that hate going against premades.

Lets use this then:

Is a fully geared PVP’er queuing in a random battle ground considered as an exploit or cheating since he is more geared and degrades the gaming experience for other players who may not even have any PVP Gear?

Yeah, it’s a shame the convo has deviated so far from this.

Problem is GD tends to get led astray by semantics, splitting hairs, and/or tangential arguments.

It doesn’t help when the OP is more committed than anyone else to an unimportant tangent :joy:


That’s me, but that’s more of an educational system failure, since the correct usage of commas is pretty much identical for both languages, sadly.

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I don’t do that. This isn’t an English class. I really don’t care about perfect grammar. It’s just a tool you use to feel superior.

How so? Me wanting it stopped is ruining it for those that also want it stopped? wild…

It’s not my interpretation of the rules. In the past, Blizzard has taken action against coordinated groups looking to queue up at the same time by removing addon interaction that automates the queueing process. They explicitly stated this was done to improve the gameplay experience of players in randoms.

The only reason why Blizzard won’t do anything about it now is because they can’t feasibly take action against it without it impacting the community itself (I.E. OP’s suggestion of penalizing repeatedly dropped queues), which isn’t even a solution to the problem if the groups get the same queue popped in the first 1-2 tries.

That, and the fact that they don’t care because it doesn’t affect the endgame.

The endgame I’m referring to would be M+, raiding, and rated PvP. Unless it’s directly affecting those things, Blizzard won’t take action.

This is a huge stretch and you know it.

Hang on, lets look at this word here again:

But manually doing it is not something that Blizzard has taken action on.

No, because gear progression to decent levels is both temporary (keyword), for a very short time, and an expected part of WoW’s PvP.
They have already improved on it with the minimum item level bumps over time.

You also don’t need to jump through hoops to bypass an in-game UI limitation join a random BG geared.

Well, there you go, you just answered the question: Is Queue-Syncing considered cheating: NO

That’s reaching and you know it. Be honest.

Blizzard has said it, I have quoted what they have said, it is just not the answer that you want

I wasn’t trying to teach you anything, so I don’t know why you even said this. Nor why this would make me look or feel superior, I know English and very small bits of three other languages, I respect people who have a conversational grasp of more than one.

Look, I’m trying to give you as much leeway as I can, but if you’re just going to keep being like this about it, I’m gonna be mean about it, because if English is your first language, there’s really no excuse for this mistake:

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Here’s what Blizzard has actually said for full context. Important bit bolded for your reference:

"In patch 5.1, we resolved some issues regarding how Addons interact with the Battleground queue system. It is no longer possible to automate queuing for standard or random Battlegrounds in groups larger than 5. We decided to make this change in order to improve the experience for all players who are queueing into random groups normally and expecting to face similarly random groups, only to find themselves crushed by a full team of coordinated opponents.

We understand that players want to enjoy coordinated team play, and we invite those players to queue into Rated Battlegrounds or play Wargames to have that experience. Players can continue to use Addons to queue for Rated Battlegrounds as well."

Automated or not, it has the same intended result, and Blizzard explicitly took action then not because it was automated, but because they were affecting the gameplay experience. That was their reason.

Probably because you are acting out of spite and vengence moreso than out of genuine concern for the game.

Are you talking about the time 12 years ago or 17 years ago?

Let’s emphasize the word AUTOMATE here. That’s what’s against the rules.

The reason why this fails now is because 1,2,3 queue is NOT automation.

No, the only reason Blizzard won’t do anything now is because 1, 2, 3, queue is not against the rules.

Well, that’s just not true. Why does Blizzard ban bots then? They don’t directly impact endgame.

Nope, that’s your logic being tested and failing immediately.

Which is why we’re still having this and many other topics regarding the issue. :slight_smile:
If we liked it, there would be no topic pushing for changes.

It’s also hypocritical of them to ignore their own definitions on this and similar matters, doubly so when they have outlined at length precisely why pseudo raid-grouping in PvP by syncing is bad, regardless of means, in the 2012 thread.

Read the post again. Because Blizzard won’t take a stand on stopping those from manually queuing by saying, 1, 2, 3 then click queue together.

It has been happening for so long, why would blizzard make that change?

In fact, in your own words, why do you think Blizzard should make the change to make it more inconvient for more players to suit a small group of players who don’t like it.

I’ll be honest. With how dead pvp has gotten im surprised there’s any left who cares about something that has already been deemed not an exploit

This is becoming spam.

For the same reason they acted in 2012: scaling.
When it’s sparse, they kinda tolerate/ignore it.
When it starts becoming more prevalent (AKA disruptive), they’ll take action.

Their exact quote:

That is neither what ‘alerted’ us, nor were Battlegrounds ever even close to sitting idle.

What is true that there’s been an increase in pre-made groups disrupting the PvP experience for other players, though. Pre-mades in the normal queue, however they are formed, are not something that we’ve ever been particularly fond of. It had become more of an issue of late, so we addressed it accordingly.

What does this tell us?

  1. There was an increasing number of premades wrecking people. (just like now)
  2. They clearly stated not liking premades in unrated random BGs. (this might have changed)
  3. Scaling prompted the action (just like now).

So, unless they are cool with people being wrecked now, they should act or look like hypocrites.