Sync exploiting is out of hand

You have yet to prove I have ever done that.

Yikes buddy haha

Stop assuming things maybe?

Think these are the facts:

  1. it’s not cheating.

  2. it’s not a formal exploit

  3. If you’re just queueing up for a random bg solo, and you get put into a premade, you’re gonna have a bad time

  4. if players keep getting put into enemy premades, but don’t want to put in effort to get into premades themselves, they’re probably just going to stop queueing. People don’t like getting curbstomped without a chance. If random bg’s are the primary source of entertainment for this player, they might unsub.

  5. like blizzard said, you can’t really stop people from coordinating when they join queues

  6. I do think it’d be fair to apply debuffs that increase over time if people are too-frequently declining queues.

  7. all that said, if you want the fairest PvP you can get, you play rated

I’m certain they were referring to what they themselves said…

We need Rocknarr to come back and point out that anti-trolls are trolling the trolls and everybody can get all butthurt again.

Where is your proof those are facts?

Am I wrong about that?

It is an assumption, admittedly, but saying you’re not a native speaker of English is not an insult.

Functioning brain combined with quotes from blizzard provided by other players

I’ll caveat it that 6 is not really a fact


This doesn’t really respond to anything I’ve said, but yes, exploiting is subjective and decided entirely by Blizzard. They are the gods of the game.

If they say something isn’t exploiting, then it isn’t exploiting. Anyone they deem to be exploiting is punished for their infractions.

No, it’s Ratherin’s interpretation of the rules, which do not supersede Blizzard’s.

Yes it is, that’s why Blizzard is able to disagree with you.

Again, not by Blizzard’s definition of exploit, as they’ve said in the blue post that’s been quoted many times beofre.

Blizzard has already told us this.

Everything affects the endgame, so your statement here doesn’t make much sense. Epic BGs were used to gear up for the endgame.

Leveling also affects the endgame since you to level to even hit the endgame…

The reality is that you disagree with the decisions Blizzard makes. You disagree that it’s not an exploit and you disagree with the direction of leveling. You then try to hold Blizzard to your interpretation of what an exploit is and what leveling should be, but Blizzard fundamentally disagrees with you.

If Blizzard intends for something to be a particular way, they will make it so as it is their game.

That’s it. That’s the end of the discussion here.

You are wrong because you made an assumption. And your assumption was wrong. And then of course you turned to insults like normal.

Shhh. They’ve even gone as far as saying the CS Staff don’t speak for Blizzard.

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TOS says it’s exploiting… but you keep ignoring that fact.

I asked you once before and you didn’t respond. All I can do is assume.

This is not an insult. Had you answered last I asked, we wouldn’t even be going through this.

That’s not a fact – that’s just poor reading on your part.

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They can also be called out for hypocrisy and double standards when it comes to what they decide is a exploit or not, based on their own rules and even their previously stated philosophy principles on the matter (BG queue syncing), which is probably why you ignored the whole rest of the post I guess.

They don’t. That’s not even a question lol

Incorrect you insinuated I didn’t know basic English simply because you misunderstood something.

You are saying the TOS isn’t fact? Yikes.

Can’t post links so here is what the TOS says about cheating.


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

Gaming has turned into a “how can I make life miserable for someone else” contest.


…Idioms are not basic English. It is not an insult to say you would likely not understand most English idioms if I’m operating under the premise you’re ESL.

Welcome to GD, where everyday is a Sunday somewhere…

Here also is the definition of exploiting in game just in case you were confused.
In [video games], an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it.

You are ignoring that you are the one that made the mistake of assuming something with zero evidence…

Use ` around the link.

Like `insert link here`

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