Sync exploiting is out of hand

You don’t think trolls routinely get suspensions for trolling?

I do wish Blizzard would moderate more heavily, but even still that’s not true. Trolls regularly do receive suspensions here.

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I think the bad ones do.

I think the smarter ones know where to draw the line, or people simply have them ignored and don’t really care to report them any more unless it’s something blatantly obvious

Exploiting is subjective. It will only be punished if Blizzard deems it so.
Look no further than Remix.

Frog farmers got punished for “exploiting”, and with imbalanced levels too.
Some farmed for 1 hour, some for over 20, all got reset to the same cloak value, but kept their bronze.

The ones who exploited MORE actually got away LOLing out of it.
The ones who just started got WRECKED.

Instance reset farmers, or any other hyperspawn farmers got away scot free.

That one guy who holds WR for Remix leveling by exploiting his way out of pandaria and buying guild flags keeps playing, unfettered.

And that’s only in Remix, for the last few months.

If you look for it, there are examples of exploits being abused to this day (Heroic Leap Galakras skip for one).

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Yet you and many of your ilk are still here? Blizzard has double standards much like you do.

I mean, not really. I’ve seen people trolling the forums, and getting away with it.


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I think it’s hard to confirm trolling, moreso than it’s not punished.

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Interesting thing to say…

If they did your ilk would be perma banned. As you should be.

I would name one person, but I rather not break the FCoC

Now you care about rules? interesting…

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And that is trolling.

I haven’t decided anything. This is quite literally what the rules state.

This isn’t really an interpretation. Blizzard says exploits aren’t allowed. The current queueing system being abused is, by definition, an exploit. You are exploiting a flaw in the software as a means for your personal gain/advantage.

So unless you’re about to tell me that this isn’t an exploit, I’m not sure what else there is to discuss here.

I already explained why. Unless the exploit is directly affecting the endgame, Blizzard isn’t going to fix it.

Blizzard has demonstrated time and again how little they care for the rest of their game except when it adheres to endgame content. Leveling should have been fixed long ago but it continues to be a joke of an experience. Leveling scaling for transmog runs has been a dumpster fire for years.

I’m not sure what you’re not understanding here.

Part of the problem is context and/or history is required to be looked at, and I think unless a post is blatantly awful, these get missed.

Like if you have someone that’s clearly just here to be contrarian, or they’re consistently contradicting themselves logically to be contrarian, they’ll largely get away with it unless they’ve gone over the line


You really gotta stop assuming everyone with a differing opinion on if this is an exploit is actually queue syncing, if that’s what you’re getting at.

Some names definitely jump out to me on this, and they’re still around, for sure.

I think mostly I can just empathize that it’s hard when you’re representing a company to be iron fisted about trolling. Some people really are just stupid, and we don’t want to ban people for that (sad as it may be.)

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How so? Do explain.

Where did I say anything about exploiting there? Reading comprehension.

They think I’m defending it, when I have told them the same thing Blizzard has said.

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Why lie? The posts are here for everyone to read.

“if that’s what you’re getting at” was a pretty important part of what you quoted.

I’m not a mind reader.

I never said “if that’s what you’re getting at”
I was implying the real trolls that scream troll whenever they run out of excuses.

Yes, everyone can read.

Just because you want to twist things around to fit your own narrative…

No… I did.

This is probably on me, I use a lot of idioms that non native speakers of English would struggle with. So I’ll rephrase.

What I’m saying here is

If you’re saying what I think you are, that being that Ayukama queue syncs, then you gotta stop making that assumption.