Sync exploiting is out of hand

Having trouble, friend? Do you feel you have hurt me?

Except that doesn’t compute at all because Blizzard should be punishing those. It’s an exploit and exploits, as established by the rules Blizzard has put forth, are against the rules.

I can’t speculate for you why Blizzard doesn’t hold themselves to the rules they’ve applied to the game.

Again, can’t really speculate why Blizzard operates the way it does. Blizzard is an enigma in a lot of ways and their decisions 99% of the time are questionable at best.

But if I had to make a guess, it’s probably because they don’t care enough to do anything about it the same way they didn’t care enough to do anything about multiboxing software up until just recently. Their decision to do something is often in relation to the endgame content. Is it hurting the endgame ecosystem? If so, then they’ll probably take action.

If not, then they aren’t going to reinforce any rules about it even if they should.

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Blizzard clearly loves it when raid groups drop queues and games start with just a handful of people. It’s all part of their master plan to keep things exciting and unpredictable. Who needs a full team for a balanced match when you can have the thrill of a lopsided battle right from the get-go? It’s not like players joined to have a fair and competitive experience or anything.


It’s ok, we won’t hold your complaining against you.

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True. The thread is a complaint, after all.

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Ok, Cutie Pie. :kissing_heart:

Nonsensical responses aside, I hope your day gets better.

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Why don’t you switch back, OP.

It has been better, since you admitted to complaining about the complainers.


I’m insulted. Also sorry about last night. I was pretty blazed :joy:

You’re right, and that other person’s a dumb-dumb


I rarely hold grudges, don’t sweat it.

Except you don’t decide what the rules are. It’s not Ratherin-Cruster Strike’s game, is it?

You interpret something as against the rules that Blizzard does not. You cannot hold Blizzard to your interpretation of the rules because your interpretation, to put it bluntly, simply does not matter.

Don’t you find it odd that everything else that is against the rules is punished but not this one? Why do you think that is?

Again, why is everything else that is against the rules punished but not this one?

I didn’t.

Partially correct. Daxxarri has said “please don’t do it, you are allowed to, but please don’t because I personally don’t like it.”

Simply saying “incorrect” doesn’t make something incorrect. They didn’t lie, and merely used your kind of logic you employed against you.

Mirrors are ugly when you don’t like your own reflection, huh?

Except no it isn’t. That’s the thing you are refusing to accept, therefore you redefine exploitation to mean something other than “what Blizzard determines is an exploit or not.”

My advice is still the same. Because trolling on a forum isn’t a hobby.

You’ve become almost as adorable as that little fox lady. :heart_eyes:

Glad I could help you out, even if it was accidentally through your own lack of comprehension.

That’s not me bud good try though lol


Please name a rule that is broken and goes unpunished by Blizzard. We’ll wait.

Hey, Blazing is not allowed. This is not Minecraft. We don’t have blazed rods here.

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Trolling in the forums :smiley:

Sure did

No he just said please don’t do it and right now we can’t fix it. Never said it was ok.

Well, when something is incorrect, I call it incorrect.

Yikes haha but no surprise you guys love to turn to insults when you run out of excuses.

It is… factually…

Well good thing I don’t troll.

I was going to disagree, and say something else, but you’re actually right.

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