Sync exploiting is out of hand

Good thing I was making an observation and not complaining about spam or I’d be a hypocrite, wouldn’t I?


I mean, the evidence would be that if Blizzard wanted groups larger than 5 queueing up for PvP at the same time, they’d input a system that allows it.

If you have to go out of your way to make that a possibility, then you’re exploiting the system in a way not intended, which is technically against the rules.

I don’t think Blizzard will ever do anything about it because Blizzard doesn’t really seem to care all that much about quality assurance in their game except within endgame content, but the way it’s currently being used is not the intended way.

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This is why I stopped. Because that is all they basically do.

Except a party group is a maximum of 5. Forming two groups, using a VC, and saying 1,2,3, queue, is allowed, and is not an exploit, as has been mentioned so many times.

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…You kind of were complaining about spam, though.

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Only in your mind, friend. Pointing out irony != complaining, just fyi…

Yes but to do it till you get your entire raid in is by definition an exploit because it is not intended to get raids in together.

How so? Provide proof of your claims.

Whatever excuse you need bud HAHA

This logic doesn’t work at all. Using this same logic, you could then argue that if Blizzard didn’t want groups of 5 or larger queueing, they would punish those that are doing it.

Why hasn’t Blizzard said this against the rules then?

Then why isn’t Blizzard punishing people for it?

Your logic was that Blizzard didn’t punish you so that means you didn’t violate the rules. In the same sense, Blizzard hasn’t punished queue syncers, so that must mean they didn’t violate the rules.

Do you see why your logic completely fails now?

Let’s see, you’re asking for evidence to prove common sense, you’re not reading things correctly, you’re spamming, etc.

Yes they have. They have purposefully deleted these threads, moved them, etc. They even gave a response in 2019 that you refuse to acknowledge because it blows up your entire argument.

You did not read the TOS correctly. It makes no mention of dropping queues being an exploit. Try reading it again please.


If what I said is complaining about spam:

Then this is certainly complaining about spam:


I cannot roll my eyes hard enough.

They haven’t noticed it lol that’s why I and others are bringing it up.

They have… in the TOS…

Telling me you’re rolling your eyes doesn’t explain why you’d quote my observation and claim you’re observing me complaining about spam.

You are adorably silly. :kissing_heart:

Are you a Haugs alt or something?

You do know the biggest irony turns out to be a complainer of the complainers. Just saying,

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Sort of my point, yeah. Glad you are catching on.

double standards are the only standards you have lol

So, you admit that you are complaining about others complaining.

Thank you telling Snowpine that they’re right.


Swing and a miss. I’ve yet to complain about anything. I think all of this is fun.

PVPers have definitely earned their reputation, I will say.


Awww, does the truth hurts? Would you like a band aid for the truth.