Sync exploiting is out of hand

Brother you are losing your mind because I replied to him.

This has to be diagnosable as some form of psychosis. The dude is clearly living rent free in there.

Alternatively, I jokingly asked you if you unironically replied to bloomsday, you got wildly bent out of shape about it, and here we find ourselves

The great irony here is that it’s pretty much irrelevant whether this topic is seen as spam or not at this point. Any topic that gets lots of traction is inevitably labeled a spam topic. But the fact remains, the squeaky wheel, at least sometimes, gets the grease. Just look at the countless rage threads about multiboxers. Complaining about an issue sometimes actually works. Especially when it’s a legitimate issue like this one, regardless of how many times it’s brought up. The more controversial a topic is, the more bumps it gets, the more attention it gets, the more likely someone at blizz will notice it.

That’s the reality.

Bent out of shape? You made a typo that confused me and were too busy losing your entire psyche over it to realize you’d made the typo.

Yes, and when I recognized my error, I corrected it.

And here we find ourselves

Okay? So why are we still going at it?

It’s GD.

Look at the people commenting here.

None of them even have pvp achievements. GD is not the place to seek resolution, but I’m just here bumping a thread cause it’s an actual problem and it’s a rare thread in GD that wasn’t created by a bad faith posting troll.

Can’t hurt, right?

It’s why I don’t mind returning comments with a 420 ilvl vulpera who couldn’t PvP a target dummy. It bumps the thread :smiley:

Sadly unfortunate that reasonable threads with fair complaints get drowned out by troll #8 posting their 40th thread about how much they don’t like m+

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The number of people surprised people who don’t PvP are giving opinions on a thread posted in GD is a lot higher than it ought to be.

Especially when half a moment to read the thread you seem to care so much about shows I’m not blind to the issue, and it’s a specific solution I’m against.

Who said I’m surprised? I consistently see people in GD commenting on content in which they don’t engage. Seems pretty standard for GD.

Homie, I saw you enable bloomsday. I thought it was funny, and I commented accordingly. I apologize for the “really” typo, but the reality is this is a pvp-related thread posted in GD.

Every single pvp’er who has spent more than two minutes in these forums knows who bloomsday is. The greatest irony is when people actually agree with him while he pretends to care about obeying forum rules :joy:

Yeah, I really enabled him, man. Opened the flood gates.

Rent free.

I mean, you quoted it yourself, lmfao.

I promise you you take this exchange far more seriously than I do.

I want you to Ctrl+F Bloomsday in this thread and consider what your findings mean.

You brought it up again. Not me.

I want you to enter an arena for the first time and then I want you to spend 20 minutes in the arena forums.

And then you might start to develop an idea :smiley:

On Bloomsday?

I’ve already formed an opinion on the topic, no further engagement required. I’ve also reached middle ground with most of the people interested in the topic.

You know, because that’s what the thread is about. Not your bogeyman.

Idk how you form an opinion on a topic when the topic concerns content in which you don’t engage. I’m not about to enter pet battle threads, but you do you!

Idk, repeating myself doesn’t seem to work, but here we go.

I think it’s funny when people enter pvp-related threads and they don’t know who bloomsday is. I think it’s even funnier when people unironically agree with him. That’s about it.

If Blizzard considered ‘sync-queuing’ an exploit, why haven’t they removed the ability to queue as a group? If it was really an issue, they would have done that.


This is GD. If I primarily post in GD, why would I know your PvP bogeyman?

And why would I form any untoward opinions of him? You realize this means I have an unbiased opinion of what he says, right? By definition?

You wouldn’t. I told you :smiley:

Yes, I trust you, Haugs. You’ve never given me reason to suspect you’re biased about him at all

Again. All this over me pointing out a fact and happening to reply to what he said that was relevant to that fact.

Just do what I do, go in and Mute it immediately. Do that often enough for these repeated posts and the Forum will look a lot neater. :sunglasses: