Sync exploiting is out of hand

i just can’t even with these troll threads any more.

people trying to break the game because they don’t want anyone to have fun.

it’s gross.

This is a quote. In this thread

To which you replied :smiley:

Someone calling out a very obviously abuse exploit is not trolling.

Sync queuing is breaking the game just fyi wanting the game to work how it was intended is not “breaking the game”


…What does that have to do with what I said and what you quoted?

Or this word salad:

I am so glad I am not the only confused one lol

It’s like they don’t know that there’s already a place to group up and pvp called arena. Maybe they just can’t win there though so they beat on random groups.

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Pretty straightforward tbh

…Then it should be easy to explain?

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The answer is yes, you did unironically reply to bloomsday

…All that and you couldn’t just clarify that you meant to type ‘reply’ rather than ‘really’?

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Oh, didn’t even notice. Yep, reply

Rule #1 in wow forums.

You don’t get to talk about PvP here if you aren’t aware of bloomsday.

So just to make sure we’re on the same page, you think me replying to Bloomsday, who was distinctly not trolling in the post I replied to, is somehow reprehensible?


The lack of awareness is just tragic

So that’s a yes?

Because he was right. There is an active thread on this topic, and there were two until the last one by this OP was shut down.

That’s just GD, by the way. There are 2 or 3 in the PvP forums by the same actors.

Says the guy who’s been gaslighting themselves on this topic since the start. SMH.

It’s a problem. More threads the better.

You’re agreeing with a troll who’s actively trying to stop people from posting a very reasonable complaint.

Bloomsday is top 3 most notorious pvp trolls in these forums.

You’d know that if you knew anything about PvP. Since you don’t, idk why you’re here :slight_smile:

Right, so you’re trolling me to ‘warn’ me that Bloomsday is a troll.

I’ll take it under consideration, Haugs. Your posts are always enlightening and worth reading.

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I’m not sure in what world I’m trolling you by delivering correct information to you, but what a fun imagination you have!