Sync exploiting is out of hand

I have to agree with this but only if it’s one owned by a big corporation, so it doesn’t affect the artist. I don’t like when people do things that effect their fellow gamers or the people making the things they enjoy.

As for context on Ulrich, he was Metallica’s drummer, and had a very outspoken and… frankly crybaby stance on people pirating music.

Was a pretty big drama for those interested in or ingrained in the industry.


Oh I so remember that. I kind of dropped Metallica from my list at that point. I remember also him biting back when people called the band selling out. He just said “Yes, we sold out, all the way to the bank”. I then noped away from listening to them.

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the “random” part, is the bgs on offer… nothing to do with the players which go into the games.

Incorrect or else rated would be called random rated bg’s.

rated doesn’t offer a full selection of maps.

I meant that when you start “premaking”, the pool stops being random.

Neither does random bg’s…

which bgs aren’t available via random queue?

There are two randoms, random epics and random Normals. Also rated does have all normal bg’s

i’m starting to think there’s a huge terminology issue here.

No blizzard has been pretty clear the random means random players.

We decided to make this change in order to improve the experience for all players who are queueing into random groups normally and expecting to face similarly random groups, only to find themselves crushed by a full team of coordinated opponents.

Did you just unironically really to bloomsday.

Like you’re actually taking the biggest troll in the forums’ history seriously.

As he tells someone how to behave in alignment with the CoC. And you’re enabling that dialogue?


I don’t think I am who you think I am.

What are you even talking about?

I don’t know who you are

they’ve been very clear that queueing with voice coms is perfectly fine.

if that was the goal, all options to group queue would be removed.

Oh you poor, poor child

…Literally what? The post you quoted was about Thaedreu’s other thread.

Which Bloomsday wasn’t in.

I am equally confused.

No they have not. Let’s not hash this lie out again please.

Don’t be intellectually dishonest please.