Sync exploiting is out of hand

And I’ll keep mentioning it every time it pops up.

Just make it so only ONE group per faction can queue into a single bg at a time.
Boom. Done. Most you can get is a full 5 stack.

Well, I can see where this going, attacking spelling mistakes and so on? You lost the discussion. You are just getting petty, it’s kind of sad and pathetic.

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Under this idea, if this pre-made is as prevalent as OP is claiming it is, wouldn’t that substantially increase queue times for all players?

Even if 50% of the players were queuing in premades, it would at most double the already short (5-8mins) queue times.

Most players (the other playing half and the ones who would return) would easily take that waiting time as a win in exchange for fairer games.

What? haha are you really trying to lie when people can read the posts?

Wouldn’t it increase queue times regardless if the premade stans stop queuing because they can’t full stack sync a bg?

I’m pretty sure it was a misunderstanding. Explaining that you’re ESL would probably clear that up.

I am assuming, but it’s based on some earlier sentence structure, so I’m sorry if I’m off the mark on that.

Where did I lie? I showed a blue post saying you are wrong. I’m not the one gaslighting.

You claimed I attacked a spelling mistake. Don’t try and change the subject.

Also, no you didn’t lol

There you go gaslighting again. Welcome to ignore.

Yikes bud lol
He’s really going to use the ignore excuse HAHAA classic

if people wanted a “fair fight”, why would they queue into random bg’s knowing that there will be freshly capped players in greens?

if you want a fair fight, do rated.


Obviously this is honorable because

checks notes

we’re not exploiting!

Insert a quote from the CoC or ToU here.


Man it’s gonna be so lame to get into games where people are throwing for their buddies.

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waaaaait a minute.

is OP Lars Ulrich?

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Wintrading is bad, and should be an actionable offense. I just wanted to make that clear, since I am taking an ultimately opposing stance.

lmao that’s exactly what I was thinking of when I used that example.

I actually do think ripping music is bad, but I’m also a little ambivalent on it because screw the UMG.

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Who the heck is that?

Oh it is. Blizzard has suspended both parties for doing it and removed rewards from it. (once proven)

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Rated does not auto scale your gear to max, or does it?
Could you solo join rated? (Thank GOD, very soon we can!)

I said “fair-er” not “fair”.
It’s impossible to be 100% fair in any game with differences, but there should be some strive for it.

Even without premades, the match is impacted by:

  • Gear
  • Class composition
  • Role composition
  • Latency
  • Player Skill
  • Age (reaction time)
  • insert factor X here

A truly random BG pool, consisting of solo players, ensures that, on average, the games will stabilize into a 50% win ratio.

Otherwise we get “No Items, Fox Only, Final Destination” in every game.

Yeah. I can’t speak from a WoW perspective, but even in tournaments with no cash reward, they crack down hard on this for games I do play PvP in (SC for example.)

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