Sync exploiting is out of hand

It’s really not. Doing something not intended by the game is by definition, an exploit. Definitions are not an opinion.

Everything regarding this (and many other similar matters) is subjective.
The ones that need to have the same opinion are the devs.
The point of these threads is to present the arguments for them to see how they are exploits.

Like I ALSO posted above:

And, it’s really not a blatant contradiction, because they hold the same stance on multi-boxing.

As long as you don’t use any 3rd party software or addon to automate the process, it’s fine.

Multi-boxing is using 3rd party software… notice how you don’t see them anymore.

The 2012 posts say nothing regarding “method” or “automation” when explaining why action was taken.

They however explain explicitly that a premade group in random BGs is something they merely tolerate, and that raid groups in random BGs are not really acceptable.

The terms used were (not literally) “unfair advantage”, not “unfair advantage due to the usage of addons”.

Their current mbox policy is literally hoop-jumping on semantics too, but, again, their game, their rules. (And their losses when people leave due to it)

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Not necessarily. You can log into multiple wow clients at the same time on the same computer (provided it’s sufficiently powerful), and you’re allowed to do that. You just have to tab manually, and only interact with 1 client at a time.

The 1st line is very clearly talking about an addon. And the specific action being taken that they were discussing, was breaking some functionality of an addon, specifically oQueue.

Well, Blizzard doesn’t think it is, and player feelings on this don’t matter. Stamping your feet and spitting are pointless.

Yes but if you use a program to play them from one account that is what they consider multi boxing and is a bannable offense.

Repeating the same lie doesn’t magically make it true.

So a actual blue post saying it not an exploit or cheating is a lie… I weep for this generation.

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Incorrect. But of course, you will say anything to excuse your exploiting lol

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I think I’ve had more productive discussions with my dog over whether or not it’s dinner time at 3 PM.

Insults really don’t help your case. But that is classic behavior of your ilk.

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You and Adroi really have to stop going “well obviously you do it if you don’t agree with me.”

Let’s imagine for a moment they actually do look at this post and seek to take it in mind. Do you think they’re going to look at this and say “ah yep, everyone who disagreed was also doing it, according to Thaedreu from the forums, so I guess we need to fix this.”

More trying to tell a screaming child “No, he cannot have the toy”.

Yeah, that’s better. Orion at least looks cute while he’s barking his case.

If someone excuse bad behavior, it’s only logical to assume they do said bad behavior or something similar.

Ironic lol

Um, I’m not sure you know the meaning of that word…

Yes, and the whole rest of the thread is explaining the principle behind the action.
Surely, you can see that.

You do realize that principles are superior to rules, right?
That they are the reason for the rules to even exist. The meta-rules, so to speak.
It’s the reason to even have legislation, supreme courts and all that jazz: law changes.

The reason we can’t have raid groups in random BGs is the principle of “fairness”, which is why rules are in place to prevent those.

Since there are no rules preventing sync queuing, the principle of “fairness” applies here, which should make it invalid.

Not only is this unequivocally false, this is also a gross misrepresentation of what’s actually going on.

No. If I say “downloading licensed music off of shady sites is fine” it does not necessarily or even implicitly mean that I do it. It means I’ve formed an opinion on it.

No. No one is excusing bad behavior. They’re showing you that Blizzard has made a clear and unambiguous statement that so long as it is not aided by third party 123queue is fine (in the context of the CoC and ToU)

Sure do lol