Sylvanus gets Xal'atath

I really wish some people at least pay attention to the end of the legion and how this stupid war started. It even funny that did a lore session and told you it not about the book. When I read here and see a poster say its in the book it has to be in the game. So whould i. Buty that make game borinmg cause i no the ending.

For the record, it went like this. Alliance attacked horde fleet and destroyed it. Alliance attacked the war chief. Alliance at end of legion attacked horde fleet with intel of WMD being stockpiled. face with that on the back door you going to stop it. If not they deserve to be wiped out. Why was night elf stocking pilling it? Anyone? I only have few references in the game on it.

let put the blame where it belongs and get rid of dog boy who started this along with miss priss admiral. If did that when they started going AWOL in the legion. Then no tree be burned as she had no reason. kind of hard to start all this if not that reason. Thus, do not mess with a very evil lady who does things that make my skin crawl mad. the end results are not good.

Then for good measure hang the goblin prince who egged her on. Knowing she start a war for his benefits.

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You know, a leader can be strong and not be a warmonger at the same time, right?

Thanks for the spoilers brah!

Who are you referring to?

The dagger is now vacant.

She gonna make it not vacant. Bet.


The person I replied to was implying that garrosh and Sylvanas were the only strong warchiefs.

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You sound like an elf to me. An undead elf to be specfic. One that used to be the hero of the Alliance

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I still canā€™t believe everyone on here thinks Sylvanas is going to lose! Has anyone seen Infinity War? They have said she is not going to be Garrosh 2.0, put the pieces together folks!

I say she wins the war and sets up the next expansion ruling over a united Azeroth with a resistance forming underground.


Oh she cares Goregroth. You bet she cares. She almost got a super weapon back in Stormheim. Reminds me of a certain someone in Europe in the 40ā€™s throwing the whole world ( faction ) into chaos for personal gains. You all better get rid of her now before there is only ONE faction in the game called Foresaken.

Iā€™m throwing my hat in with Saurfang JUST for the fact we can go back to working together again at the greater threats and so there is even a Horde alive to help us.

I see, I see. Youā€™re right. There could be another strong Warchief, if itā€™s an orc.

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go away Gore your not even a orc I dont know why you pick orc in the first placeā€¦ anyway you Magā€™har Orc so not real orcā€¦ and go join alliance and await your death by our Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner THE TRUE QUEEN OF THE HORDE! If she dies than I will and I really will sit on stormwind all day killing alliance till I feel satisfied which is never

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Sometimes the demon blood affects those who drink it a little too much

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Theyā€™ve also said (just recently mind you) that they are intentionally retelling mop.

We are trying!

Thats why I have this theory that Anduin and the High Elves and Lightforged go to Draenor at the end of WOD and become directly responsible for the Lightbound we saw.

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They can also be strong and a warmonger and not be bad, whatā€™s your point? :woman_shrugging:

My point is thrall was a strong leader, and he wanted peace. He actually cared about the horde, he built it. Sylvanas doesnā€™t care about anyone other than herself. Sheā€™s a tyrannical queen to her own forsaken, and it has been shown many times in lore how much she despises the living she is allied with. A true leader cares about their charges, not uses them for said ā€œleaderā€™sā€ own gain.

He was strong, but Garrosh was stronger. Thrall wanted to be a peaceful hippie and wanted to make agreements with the night elves to get SOME lumber from Ashenvale. Garrosh just went over and took what he wanted. Iā€™d much rather Garrosh be leading because we know the horde will be taken care of as Garrosh said himself.

If Sylvanas didnā€™t care about anyone other than herself, she wouldnā€™t have accepted the title of leader of the horde and she DEFINITELY wouldnā€™t be fighting with the horde in wars. In the cinematic she literally pushes into the enemy lines risking her life just to inspire the hordeā€¦ so people who say that are just wrong.

She was not only killed, but tortured and forced to help destroy her own homelandā€¦you donā€™t think you would be pissed at every living thing, too? Characters change, Sylvanas has changed more than once.

Thatā€™s like saying ā€œWell, Jaina is a traitor because she loves the horde! She let her own father die to the horde because she loves them so much! She should just join the horde!ā€

I think sheā€™s a good leader. If it wasnā€™t for her wanting to rez the hell out of everyone, Iā€™d have no problem with her a warchief.

What if the tree burning was because of that tree and really no other reason?

And what if sheā€™s known all along that in order to save Azeroth she had to create a faction war because the old gods were watching her?

Idk, Iā€™m just pulling ideas out of my butt here.

Sylvanas caring for others amounts to them be a meat shield to preventing her from going to hell. Also most people donā€™t excuse victimized people from becoming a new perpetrator of evil just because they have suffered.

On the matter of Jaina; she lost he people, her, friends, family, and nation because of what the Horde could be. What Thrall promised they were. Jaina did commit treasonous actions for what that turned our to be a lie.

Sylvanas and Jaina are hardly comparable in those respects.

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