Sylvanus gets Xal'atath

Sylvies targets are all that does not serve her alive or dead.

Shell turn at some point or another. Probably after azshara and nzgoth are vanquished.

Shes always the schemer.

So what, I have that on my priest , no big deal .

It didn’t literally spawn a physical body to walk around with for priests. Lol.

No but it would repeatedly nag me while i quested , which is equivalent

I just pictured Sylvanas swinging around the humanoid form of Xal by the legs like a bat.

Please make this happen, Blizzard.


I am fine, with them having them Use weapon or some thing Beat Said “Villian” Dragon soul kamehameha blast Deathwing, Fine elf wisp souls give Archimonde a cease and desist then blow up in cavern of time, Then 3 NPC WoD super stars team up to take down Archimonde and Smash face him in neather, Fine

But when a Fable weapon that been Connon belong to NPC given most best exp since he alone made the courpt blade pure, Only given a weak death to give Gul’dan some Ego storke and give a no name Pally the sword that was YEARS, FREAKEN YEARS seek back in the day?

yeah no BS!

Her getting Grey butter knife dagger Only use it for some foul ritual is bad as it get, It not Med’an level

Lest they gave buff when that crap was happening in Dark shore to at lest know why, As well abe to wound Nathanos (May be retcon to a scar, or it just got better later) At lest they fix that mess.

if you still don’t get it Xal’atath Right at this moment with the soul/will free, It useful as a butter knife thanks to sargeras blade nerfed

Mary Sue Sylvanas. This is where characters go to become bland, overpowered for no reason plot devices of bad writing. Its a tragedy because she used to be an interesting character, I have no idea what Blizz is thinking on all of this.


Everyone will be the targets. Everyone.

That’s why I chose Saurfang.


Its actually important that someone uses Xal’atath
N’zoth needs to be imprisoned NOT KILLED
if n’zoth is killed than azeroth dies too, because all the old gods and their tentacles that hold the planet together would cease to exist.

Hey, it’s another human wearing an orc mask.

So this is SoO basically right? Like a whole expansion based on that premise.

It is one thing to have these elements within the horde, the stuff that keeps it in the grey and never lets the noble honor side of the Horde get too big(basically Thrall’s Horde), it keeps it interesting.

By having these story elements be repeated again really drives it away from that point and further into the evil parts being more prominent. Makes it feel like they want a Jedi vs Sith like relationship in WoW rather than the nuanced war story we should have.

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Incorrect. The Old God tentacles do not hold Azeroth together. They are merely so deeply entrenched that removing them will cause Azeroth to bleed out. The removal of Y’shaarj caused a wound that was reformed into the Well of Eternity. There has been no such wound with the fall of the others. If we can kill N’zoth without ripping it out of the planet, it will be better to do so.

I’m wondering how they’re going to pull this off for Shadow Priests, though. I mean, they still have the dagger with them.

So why risk it ?
what if killing n’zoth means the destruction of the oceans, or causes the maelstrom to be even larger and the planet just caves in.

I kinda like how there is a war between ally and horde meanwhile we should be focused on N’zoth.
Its so stupidly delicious in a way, ally / horde going to kill eachothers leaders meanwhile N’zoth laughs at all of us and says “Okay, go ahead”

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Well I don’t think there is yet a defined 3rd enemy. Azshara hasn’t yet revealed herself and all we have had to deal with is a handful of people awakening monsters. Ultimately they did deal with that.

That aspect of the storytelling isn’t bad, a bit typical for WoW but it is at least consistent. It just bothers me how they taking away a Horde players ability to even somewhat argue that they are not that bad. Effectively at this point any forum debate is heavily one sided in regards to a debate about wrongs vs rights. I mean granted Horde as a whole often did more but now it is extremely one sided.

Their refusal to ever let the alliance do bad things outside the occasional minor behind the scenes thing(which is usually just incompetence more than intentional) while repeating this same storyline from MoP is really frustrating.

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The alliance sort of did lose their tough dude when Varian died, he was willing to challenge Garrosh in a neutral city.
His son, jesus, replaces him lol so I see your point.
Velen too is pretty much universe-jesus
Tyrande is a good contrast, she has always been “evil” in a way, she puts herself and her needs ahead of her peoples.

Except in this case she can do messed up stuff and be in the right on it given what the Horde did to her home and her people. Alliance needs to do something awful to the Horde, unforgivable levels of awfulness and do it without having been provoked.

I thought her attacking the horde without the general (anduin) 's permission was pretty brash, it was a night elf attack not an alliance attack, pretty weird if you ask me, she has her own motives.
But I don’t ever see the alliance doing something Morally Black, youre right.

im starting to think that sylvannas was the worst thing that’s happened to the horde maybe even worse then garrosh. Shes been part of the horde for years and really has no idea how it works lol

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I lold when I read Sylvanus

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