Sylvanus gets Xal'atath

Where was this written?

yeah like the story is xalatath is the only artifact weapon that wasn’t completely drained and that’s why she wants it.

ptr, she imprisons baine for treason, because he ruined her plans for derek.

Says the whiney “what-about-muh-honor” crybaby


Uh… lets see… ransacked city… war hero… carry the son…

I want to say around 3? Taking into account the 3 RTS titles prior.
Though I’d say changing leadership 3 times is like changing a pair of socks for the Horde at this point

So… Fallow Mad woman wanting blade in what I believe theory raise Old god to bend it to her will (witch I know in most cases will fail horrble)

Or fallow orc that Want make horde Great again with some Honor?

Mhmmm tough choice I see.

Maybe you should faction change to the Alliance?

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elf: check
edgy: check
DH for the extra edgy and anti-hero vibe: check

of course you would not like the horde core values but sylvanus side


blighting and then rezzing your own troops is a sign of strength?

Which is fine… I think players start having issues with killing civilians being counted just as ‘casualties of war’. Killing civilians as a result of a tactical error is deplorable but actively giving an order to target and killing them is an atrocity. Garrosh went down for his weird ‘orc only Horde’ ideals, I expect the undead elf to meet the same end especially when it is evident that her “thing” is to kill all life, not just Alliance.

I agree with you, in fact, even Garrosh condemned the actions of his Overlord when he decided to use a WMD against civilians. The weird write-out treatment he got in MoP was just strange.

so committing genocide is now being ‘rough’?

The Horde does not have a strong warchief, just someone that was put there and has her own motivations to achieve for herself, she even treats her own people as tools… I mean, arrows in her quiver! What are you expecting of someone like that to all non-forsaken are supposedly allies in her war?


Preach it.


Actually… I play 2 Orcs (first horde toons) and Undead rogue, a Tauren pally , a BE Priest and a Goblin Lock… and my opinion for the whole honour BS is the same :open_mouth: I know stereo typing based on the toon posting is so accurate XD

Sylvanas should be called “Free powerups Windrunner”.

First she somehow matches Malfurion and now gets an artifact weapon. Next she’ll get Titan blood or something.

Medan Windrunner.


So it fine if Faceless Doof Get the fable Ashbringer, But NPC get weapon “Oh no it Medan level”

OH please Given how every single weapon Given huge sargues blade Nerfed it so far useful as Gray weapon

A faceless doof that defeated Deathwing and Archimonde you mean? Or who do you mean?

But she’s not Medan level for only that. It’s how suddenly powerful she is and is still getting more power. Nathanos and her are magically demigods at this point for the grace of the writters.

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I am reminded of something from Wrath of the Lich King.

The Lich King whispers: Take them, mortal. These souls will again be mine, soon enough.

The Lich King whispers: Soon, mortal, you too shall have a blade for a prison.

The Lich King whispers: Remember hero: I, too, once sought a weapon of great power…

The Lich King whispers: I see you too are gathering souls for your own ends. Are we really so different, champion?

The Lich King whispers: The Light will abandon you, hero, just as it did me.

The Lich King whispers: Yes, do it! Create your monstrous new weapon. It too will serve me when your soul is mine!

The Lich King whispers: Bring me your weapon, champion, that I might feed it the soul of its master.

The Lich King whispers: Look at you, child, would-be wielder of souls! You cannot fathom the power that lies at my command!

The Lich King whispers: Come to me, pretender! Feed MY blade!

The Lich King whispers: My challenges have strengthened you, champion! You shall serve me well!

The Lich King whispers: Never have I had cause to regret sparing your life, mortal. Always, you find ways to amuse me.

The Lich King whispers: The moment is soon at hand, mortal. You shall toil for eternity in a new Azeroth!

The Lich King whispers: More souls, yes, more! You shall find it hard to stop.

The Lich King whispers: The hunger your weapon feels is but a shade of what awaits. Do you want to see real hunger? Real power? Continue onward, hero! I am waiting.

Sylvanas is definitely retreading Arthas’ steps I think.


Being strong and being a psychopathic butt are entirely orthogonal concepts.


Alright nightbourne all the bad things I said about you was not serious, now build another bubble around stormwind.

Spoiler alert please

Well we’ve already seen the writing of Blizzard leaves much to be desired… :roll_eyes:

Sounds like Sylvanas, not sure what people seem to be painting an image of her in their heads but this ain’t all that surprising. I’m interested to see how all of that unravels. :slight_smile: