Sylvanus gets Xal'atath

i agre with everything but love, this is not my little pony. Garrosh had a lot of achievement after nortrend to be warchief, and he earn the respect of the people, just the leaders constantly defy, question and antagonize every step he did, even the right ones.

All his downfall was caused by mistakens by both sides

Im just pointing how its incredibility hypocrite say crap about betray now, but everyone was completely fine with betraying Garry before for less

no, it was caused by the magic talking pickle

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Like I told the other Orc.

New voice files datamined on mmo c shows horde players bring Xalatath back to life. And she takes on a form, you quest and deal with naga . So basically you release an old god then also voice files for N’zoth is being played.

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Alliance can’t kill sylvanas

Hasn’t you seen the cinematic of Anduin and Saurfang?


im pretty sure you played another character in that time

Regardless, Sylvanus is an illegitimate warchief, doing crap all over the world and tainting the horde, going against her its not treason


It IS a prison, isn’t it? And the one who becomes imprisoned would essentially become immortal, would s/he not?


…and the Second Rebellion grows.



We’re going to let her take all of you with her.

I’m confused. When is it supposed to stop being a MoP retread?

Excuse me, in the MoP Sequel Trilogy expansions it’s the Resistance. The Resistance grows. Now, you might wonder what the difference between the two is.

You see, the Darkspear Rebellion is expected. The Saurfang Resistance subverts expectations.

What expectations are being subverted you may ask? Well…this time the Warchief doesn’t get transformed by the Void Artifact that gets discovered to turn the tide of war. Instead, the Void Artifact turns into a Sexy Elf.

Expectations, consider yourself subverted.


Is it time for Musical Warchiefs again? OH BOY!


I have seen the light. It’s not bad writing, it’s bad reading.

These words shall be revered

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They do switch the allot lol. Howany leaders has the Alliance had?

would maybe be a cool cutscene if sylvanas went through all these battles and trials to get her hands on xalatath. The moment she claims and picks up the weapon the blade laughs like crazy and the old god pushes sylvanas out of her physical body and she is just a banshee. Xalatath inhabits her physical body and wields both the blade and the bow or somehow infuses the blades darkness into the bow. Xalavanas gets away and sylvanas the banshee is humiliated and defeated. The rest of the expansion shes a whiny sorry baby that is so sorry and wants her body back like shes in hot chick. and the last raid we trap the old god and she gets her body back and steps down from warchief.


Now that would be a good slap in the face to her lol!

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Exactly. It’s the fan’s fault for not liking the story. Shame on us.


GD elf, Go back to you Goth Dark lady, Her time is done, She Wanting to kill every thing She care little of the horde, I bet this whole war is bloody frace to kill off most the mortal race to have some blood sacrifice to waken N’zoth Ever thought about that?

No, then wake up to reality


I could get behind this twist.

Still angry about the tree, Focus one Who Gave the Order not the Grunts.