Sylvanus gets Xal'atath

Wait. She wat


It doesnā€™t really matter, does it?

Garrosh gets Old God Heart, Sylvanas gets Old God Nail.

Garrosh destroys Vale, Sylvanas destroysā€¦Valeā€™alor?

We kill Old God Garrosh, we kill Old God Sylvanas.

This storyline is dreadfully predictable.


I wouldnā€™t be so sure, she is repeating what the void lords say about torches lighting the way.

A pity it now lies dormant. But anything that slumbers can be awakened.
This blade is more than a mere dagger. It is a torch that shall light our path forward.

A lot of people are seeing similarities to Garrosh. I canā€™t be the only one seeing her becoming Arthas, can I?

I see far more similarities there. It was even emphasized in Cata during the Silverpine Forest quest chain.

I think thatā€™s why Saurfang is such a prominent character this expansion, and why the flashbacks to his son were important to his Cinematic.


They just said on the livestream today that itā€™s an intentional retread of MoP, so Iā€™m guessing theyā€™re intending to stick with that.

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She has much more then people seem to realize.

Xeleteth, the master glaive, the blight, all the bodies shes been gathering, all the azerite shes been gathering, gallywinx and ashvane making things with azerite, a pack with the undead vampire elves of icc, extra powers from heljs maybe, probably more off screen.

Oh and from bwansamdis lines shes keeping the souls of those she kills.

Hmm i wonder what happens when a dictator stockpiles troops, weapons, and resources.

Anyone care to guess when shell make her move and use all these things? And guess whom will be the targets?

No. Absolutely not. Bolvar would do work on Sylvanus. Sheā€™s not that powerful of a creature.


More like your warchief is corrupted or just plain crazy, either way, the horde has been hit with the bad guy stick once again and I grieve for you.


Yeah, they do obvious comparisons to Garrosh with Rexxarā€™s lines in the campaign.

Maybe sheā€™s a bit inspired by both, but not necessarily one or the other directly. Itā€™s easy to compare her actions to either, but at the end of the day I think sheā€™s got her own story and weā€™ll see a conclusion that might not follow either.

Itā€™s really hard to tell how powerful Sylvanas is getting. I mean she raised an entire undead army on the spot during Lorderon. She has her Valkyr which are putting out tons of forsaken, and she has Azerite (crystallized well of eternity) at her disposal.

Throw in Xalā€™atath and who knows?

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Technically sylvie is down to one valkyri.

But somehow still plenty of forsaken and who knows what she herself can or cannot raise.

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Yeah. Sheā€™s very Mary Sue right now. Seems sheā€™s as powerful as she needs to be to further her story.


Except Arthas/Bolvar can compel obedienceā€¦ she cannot. Arthas/Bolvar can raise undeadā€¦ she cannot beyond reanimating skeletons.


ā€œpeaceā€ for 800?

Power aside (I do know I got off on a tangent about it in replies), I was discussing her character story progression more than what sheā€™s actually capable of.

But for power, the only thing sheā€™s missing is the helm of domination, and thereā€™s nothing saying that she wonā€™t find a way to obtain it to further her goals.

Lol we could had at least 50 years of peace after legion if sylvie didnā€™t muck it up.


but she said NO! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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My priest must be super powered because she didnā€™t even leave an impression on himā€¦just a little irritated from the comments of the peanut gallery.

We already know what character plotline sheā€™s trackingā€¦ and theyā€™re over in the Curpulu Sector.

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hey look, another elf defending the emo genocide crazy usurper elf

talking about treason, tell me more about how you betrayed Garrosh back in mop


Loyalty, trust, love, friendship, and more are all earned through action. They are not freely given. And once lost by the tiniest of offenses will never return.

Neither faction nor leader has earned anything in my book.

Garry should have been left emo in nagrand and sylvie should have stayed in her shadows.

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