Read the whole thing and don’t skim, maybe then you won’t look like a hot headed moron.
I’m sorry was that not “nice enough”
Maybe next time you shoukd read the whole thread before you make a clown of yourself…kay thanks
Read the whole thing and don’t skim, maybe then you won’t look like a hot headed moron.
I’m sorry was that not “nice enough”
Maybe next time you shoukd read the whole thread before you make a clown of yourself…kay thanks
Ah yes, I should read a section of a thread that is unrelated to where I left off. Almost like I was asleep when the thread diverged from the last time you replied to me before I woke up.
I have and haven’t found a misogynistic microagression. That’s why I want you to link quotes.
Renautus, what part of “do not accuse people of being X simply because they do not like Y” do you not understand?
What is your justification of doing so BEFORE the thread diverged into Night Elves? You know, the sections of this thread that I have quoted you doing this and it was around hating Sylvanas.
No doubt you will ignore it as beforehand until you can find someway else to move the goalposts. Anything to avoid being confronted with your flawed logic.
But go on. Continue to dismiss actual reasons why people do not like Sylvanas and continue to accuse of them of being sexist. Even though none of the reasons why they hate Sylvanas involve her being a female. Because you simply know better.
Get off your high horse and grow up.
I mean I wasn’t the only one to call you and Micah out on this toxic line of thinking. Doness did as well.
It can be both, but historically women get a lot less leeway than men when it comes to them being of a stronger personality. The inherent tie to a faction war can make it more egregious in terms of bias, of course, but we can compare. Nathanos, for instance, absolutely pours on the snark in addition to being in the faction war. Compare him to Tyrande, who in contrast might say relatively mean things but in terms of actions or severity is far less, and you can see a clear difference.
Because Blizzard had made it a trend to write their female characters as either stoic trophy wives who’s most significant personality trait is intrinsically tied to a male counterpart. Or B. Traumatized in some way, and promptly villainized for pursing retribution against their abusers or exonerated for suffering in silence and forgiving those who abused them.
I don’t understand what you are getting at, and that might be because I have no point of reference, I’m from Europe and have not seen any hate regarding Tyrande coming from Alliance players. The only unanimous criticism I have seen of her is that she was poorly developed or that Blizzard butchered the Night Warrior arc.
Based on your severe reaction it looks like i’m not the first Sylvanas fan to call you a misogynist. Maybe you should go to therapy and work on yourself.
Horde players hate Tyrande
Wow, Sylvanas’ reproductive organs are designed for carrying fertilized eggs? What a crappy character. I mean, if they were designed for fertilizing eggs in the first place, I could understand and forgive, but carrying eggs for fertilization? That way lays madness. That makes Sylvanas a such garbage character.
Are you going to accuse Doness of being a misogynist as well since he also called you out on yours and micahs toxic behaviour?
As I said, actually provide evidence instead of using a “most of X” blanket statement with no support.
Why are you being so dense?
Honestly it is concerning how far you are willing to go to defend your toxic mindset about this. Going so far as trying to dismiss it because “the thread had moved on” or ignoring other people who call you out on it. Even accusing “allies” of showing their “true colours” simply because they are telling you to stop, step back and rethink your position.
It honestly makes it seem that unless people agree with you, they are sexist. That is sexist in of itself.
I am all in for calling out people for being sexist etc WHEN IT HAPPENS. What I am against is people who think they know better or are too far into their butt that they see “sexism” simply because a person (regardless of their gender) does not like a certain character because that character happens to be female. Given your behaviour lately I am willing to assume you might’ve been one of those people who called everyone a sexist for not liking the Ghostbusters 2016 reboot.
Some of my favourite characters are female. I even mentioned one in this thread. That being Azshara. But I guess because I do not like where Blizzard is taking Sylvanas I MUST be a sexist piece of trash and I must be lying to myself otherwise.
This is less ‘Horde’ and ‘Alliance’ and more general playerbase. The playerbase has become so intermingled for years due to faction change that to truly divide players along those lines is dumb.
A better example, I suppose, would be Varian and Jaina, who ‘traded roles’, so to speak, over the course of Cata and MoP. In contrast to Varian, Jaina did far less in her role as the Alliance ‘warmonger’, at least until BfA, and yet the reactions to her were far stronger than most were to him. Barring one (actually morally grey) event, Jaina’s antagonism with the Horde amounted to mostly mean words. In contrast, Varian fought Garrosh during peace talks, commanded the war against the Horde in Cata, tried to kill Thrall, tried to have Thrall captured, in addition to hurling as much or more vitriol.
But his actions were forgotten, and he was never the target of people wanting him to be a raid boss. But Jaina was.
So how can I consider this to be true when I do not perceive these characters as neither “stoic” or “trophy” and can list plenty of characters that are neither of those things.
Most notable characters in the story are, its not exclusive to women.
How are they villainized if the faction they are representing is rooting for them to get their vengeance, nearly all alliance players are rooting for Jaina to eradicate the horde or for Tyrande to kill Sylvanas. The only pushback to this is coming exclusively from Horde players who have a stake in the race.
Yes I know that’s why I said
And as far as I know they didn’t like her before SL and BfA either, same with Varian.
You are well within your right to be wrong.
As I mentioned before, it’s not the Trauma, it’s how it impacts them. Read the whole sentence before responding, please.
This is very, VERY untrue.
This is a microaggression.
This is an example. Instead if understanding what mansplaining is and how to avoid doing it, the worst thing that can happen to you, is you get wrongly accused of it.
This is an example of sexist microaggressions. You wanted an example. This is an example. You show complete disregard for women’s feelings. You laugh at our valid complaints and you have the audacity to point the finger and call us problematic?
Someone is sending Sylvanas fans rape and death threats… someone who frequents these SF. We don’t know who it is, but the attitude here is it’s just par if the course and that disgusts me.
Same as you.
And I have given you ample examples of how different trauma affects different male character in different ways, you are focusing on females characters reacting a certain way while ignoring male characters that have reacted in the same way.
Like I said I don’t know how it is on the US forums, but in the EU this is the case.
Ok quick question, did the people reacting poorly to Jaina have a red background ?
And in BfA during BoD there was an ample example of people in red going “why did we not kill Jaina, Blizzard is Alliance bias” and people in blue going “Why did we have to fight Jaina, Blizzard is horde bias”. Proof that the faction pride still exists and that people are defensive of the characters from their respective factions.
No, just a usual tactic certain people use to dismiss anything a “male” says.
I guess Doness, Arlifrex, Amadis, Thadeus, Amonet and myself are all “sexists” because WE all called you and Micah out on your toxic belief that nearly everyone who hates Sylvanas = sexist.
Sylvannas negativity - #82 by Arlifrex-moon-guard - Arlifrex
Sylvannas negativity - #86 by Amadis-draka - Amadis
Sylvannas negativity - #92 by Doness-kargath - Doness
Sylvannas negativity - #95 by Thadeus-caelestrasz - Thadeus
Sylvannas negativity - #104 by Amonet-azshara - Amonet
inb4 you cherry pick the list of names and only talk about the ones you don’t like.
Seriously though. You continue to do it. You completely ignored my post and just focused on one tiny detail, took it out of context and tried to use it to say that I am a lying piece of garbage and that I hate all female characters. Saying otherwise = lying to myself.
I know full well what Mansplaining is and how to avoid it. However given your behaviour in this thread, I was simply waiting for you to accuse me to mansplaining at some point. Since you just love accusing people of being sexist for no reason.
Accusing nearly EVERYONE of being a sexist because they do not like Sylvanas = valid complaints? I have pointed out that SEVERAL people have called you out on having such a BS toxic viewpoint.
Are you projecting reverse sexism?
This is disgusting behavior.