Uther was split in three, turned into a Forsworn(and Forsworn are tainted with Domination Magic), drained to create Mawsworn by Lysonia and had one piece of his Soul mangled by Zovaal.
Sylvanas was split in two and Arthas turned her into a Banshee and was latter physically beaten up as a Soul by Mawsworn.
Both got mangled by the Maw with Uther getting more mangled than Sylvanas. Both got chopped up by Frostmourne with Uther getting more chopped up. Both got turned into darkened versions of themselves.
Uther is far more mangled and corrupted than Sylvanas was to say the least.
I think it has more to do with the additional torture Sylvanas received on top of being soul-shattered and raised into undeath, rather than how many pieces got fragmented off. Sylvanas went full-on waking-nightmare “I have no mouth but I must scream” until Arthas gave her a voice to do just that, so her grief would kill her countrymen which would inflict more grief. In comparison, Uther was just manipulated.
I don’t care if “her soul was split”. No mind control, no “she wasn’t herself” non-sense, absolutely NO cop outs whatsoever. No “good Sylvanas-Bad Sylvanas” it’s all garbage.
If you think it’s all garbage what are you doing here?
I can’t imagine going in a thread just to say its garbage. I usually just skip the thread and post in places I enjoy. I’m just trying to understand the mind set.
I didn’t say the thread was garbage either. The OP of this necro’d thread asks a question, and I gave my opinion. Pretty much like everyone else on the thread did.
I know your just so excited for the “ranger general” to come back but that doesn’t mean everyone else shares your sick fantasy.
I don’t have a problem; you’re the one insulting me. I asked you an honest question that I was trying to understand and got my head taken off for asking it sheessh.
So I’ll regress and please disregard my question. I apologize for asking it.
Sylvanas is going to achieve apotheosis and become a goddess of death, if not the Supreme Goddess of Death and replace the need for an arbiter. The Forsaken will keep their For the Dark Lady quotes, and their shattered mask.
The Necromancy was Arthas, so that’s only two things. The Forsaken need help, that doesn’t mean sweeping the criminals under the rug, that’s like letting Putress get of scot-free because Vellicinda is innocent; we can punish Putress without punishing Vellicinda.
We’ve been speculating this for a long time; I like everything except “replace the arbiter” otherwise sign me up.
I said “everyone” not anyone not Curse : )
I separated the two because Arthas went out of his way to twist Sylvanas soul. Had he or his necromancers just snatched her back using regular degular necromancy and kept the party going then I would have just said “necromancy”
So one of them gets punished because the effects from Curse of Undeath was worse on their soul?
Sounds like you want punish Putress because he didn’t get the luck of the draw when it comes to the Curse of Undeath. How is that remotely fair?
Oh I know exactly what you’re accusing him of; I’m not playing coy at all. Someone being punished out of ignorance is one thing(still doesn’t make it right); someone being punished knowing they are cursed is another. I can totally understand why Alex wanted to commit…ah hmmm…exterminate the Forsaken, but there comes of point that a light bulb turns on and they do more than just mercy kill their former wives, children, comrades etc etc. On the other hand an omnipotent benevolent being has zero excuses.
My point is the Curse of Undeath varies from undead to undead and for you to disregard the effect of the Curse of Undeath on a soul and preemptively decided that their souls should be punished is very short sighted.
I believe that all undead should be held accountable for their deeds before they were cursed not after. I believe this is easy peasy and fair.
You’re suggesting that regardless of whatever curse was forced on them they should be punished for w/e crime they committed while cursed.
Anduin dies and is resurrected and suffers the Curse of Undeath. Instead of getting the luck of the draw were he’s almost exactly the same as he was in life he becomes a Saturday Morning Cartoon character and goes on a killing spree. Mind you this is free-willed walking angel on earth Anduin who is now eating puppies and whole families.
Should he be punished in the Afterlife?
Its the lack of trying to help and giving up for me; while on the other side of the fence the Horde is there with open arms willing to help.
I can hear Ainhin now “And where did that get them?” oh how I missed those days.
I was trying to say they should be punished for their choices.
They should be held accountable for their choices in undeath; for anyone who thinks the Curse of Undeath exonerates people of responsibility for their choices, try to get out of a DUI charge by saying your judgement was clouded by alcohol.
I say they should be punished for their choices. Not every undead turns to crime; not all Forsaken supported Putress or Sylvanas.
To use a different kind of undead as an example, a mindless zombie or feral ghoul is coming to rip your throat out and eat you. They can’t control their actions… but does that mean you shouldn’t remove the head or destroy the brain of that zombie? No.
I’m saying based on their actions, so that applies even moreso to undead people who can choose better but don’t.