Leaving aside the tired “Alliance did nothing wrong” meme.
The fact is that Blizzard has shown they were perfectly willing to pretend things didn’t happen. You may not care when I happens to the Horde, but if you only speak up when it happens to your faction, then Blizzard will just chalk it up to faction rivalry and keep doing it.
I Still think the Blood elfs lost more of their population, considering again even if it’s a zone for the night elfs they are spread out over the world with other places for massive amounts to live, while on the other hand all blood elfs essentially lived in one area for the most part which was raided.
I really doubt it’s that much stop with the over exaggeration please, and no I wouldn’t say it’s all because of Sylvanas we don’t even know when the shadowlands broke then started sending people to the maw. Even then we’re essentially going there to fix it from being broken.
For all we know it could of broken the moment the demons stole the info on how to make Frostmourne, it could of been at the start of Wotlk, it could of been during Mop etc. etc. you get the point.
Well, another strange thing is that how is it even possible that residents of shadowlands could not know about the events on Azeroth. Spirit healers are not a rare sight. Aren’t they kyrians, are they?
As Azuregos states Players take them for granted. We don’t tell them anything. No one but Azuregos talks to them about matters and all he knew about during that time was Anveena being created by Krasus from the Sunwell, Kalecgos falling in love with Anveena, Kalecgos wanting to become the next Aspect of Magic, Malygos dying, Silithid starting a war of conquest requiring Azuregos to help guard on of the keys to Ahn’Qiraj and us killing Azuregos for loot.
Azuregos was only a source of information concerning the Blue Dragonflight including the goings on with Kalecgos for the Kyrians and that didn’t give out any info on the Maw aside from the fact that one of Arthas’s agents made a grab at a Well of Arcane Magic that got turned into a Girl to hide it!
The Spirit Healers are Watchers, kyrian whose role is to eternally evaluate souls. They are called to those who die to peer into the soul’s inner self and evaluate whether they are ready to be dead.
That makes me think, that they see the experiences of those who are about to die, maybe just like the dark val’kyrs could see the pre-suicide life of Sylvanas.
Sylvanas shook her head, cleared her vision. These were her memories, but she wasn’t remembering them. They were being pulled from her. Pulled from her by the Val’kyr. The mute spirits hovered around her, regarding her silently.
Also, there is this part that says that they have contacts with shadowlands on a regular basis. All of this makes the situation extra strange to me. I am not sure they need to ask for anything in order to know every detail, and they have an easy way to pass the info forward.
But my English is limited, so I could misinterpret something.
She was once The Ranger General of Quel’thalas a leader of the Aliance a good honorable person
Forgiveness matters, and we will be its primary beneficiary. Studies have shown that forgiving others produces strong psychological benefits for the one who forgives . It has been shown to decrease depression, anxiety, unhealthy anger, and the symptoms of PTSD. But we don’t just forgive to help ourselves. Instead of
But Revenge is
It won’t make you feel better . … You might be thinking that it will also provide great relief from the pain that you are feeling or some sort of satisfaction. Sadly, evidence shows that people who seek revenge instead of forgiving or letting go, tend to feel worse in the long run.
How would split soul absolve Sylvanas? Sylvanas isn’t a different person with a split soul.
If a person with split personality/disassociate identity disorder has a split personality that commits serious crimes, they still need to be locked up. Plus Sylvanas was still herself - she still expressed affection for Nathanos, still remembered her past and didn’t even seem to realize her soul had been split.
But in my hypothetical scenario, the person still needs to be contained while they get that help because the split personality is dangerous.
There’s also a lot of victims of Sylvanas (remember Delaryn and Derek?) Even Genn, for all his faults, is a victim of her; she took his homeland and his son.
I like to think the light protects the individual from forces imposed on them especially against their will. A persons will and determination influences how powerful they are with the light or how attuned with a purpose they are.
Arthas even after being dominated by Frostmourne retained some of his personality through his dialogue. Even after cutting his heart out and casting it out he retained a box which retained Jaina’s locket and some other mementos.
In the maw, Anduin says “even here the light hears me.” Which the jailer takes utmost interest in.
According to canon lore Light and Shadow (void) exist beyond the realms of reality and I think may add to Anduins importance and why he has not so easily become a pawn of the jailer not entirely unlike the Deathknights that broke free at light hope’s chapel–a significant source of light like a leyline for it.
The light is historically more efficient destroying the undead than traditional marshal warfare. Significantly the corrupted ashbringer is corrupted for the purpose of the scourge. Seeing how Naaru appear to be artifical creations (possibly be Elune by Khadgars observations) that are just conduits for primal forces (light, shadow, decay) the ash bringer was probably such a similar artifact. I digress.
The light seems to have some protective ability over those strongest of will. Arthas and Uether in reverse roles (good/bad,) would be consistent with Anduin’s consigned personality. As if they are just watching everything unfold.
What the High Elves suffered was much worse than Teldrassil. 90% of the High Elven total population was either slaughtered or enslaved as undead. Arthas outright proclaimed he would, and tried, to wipe their entire race, heritage and culture from the planet. Sylvanas’ goal at Teldrassil was to demoralize the Night Elves, and apparently Elune played a role in the whole thing too.
I 100% agree. I feel like anyone that is freed from the ill effects of the Curse of Undeath and or Frostmourne’s soul splitting should be contained. I think that at the very least you and I can agree that Sylvanas soul is finally restored, but you and I, even with meta data, don’t know what that means. So you can imagine the caution the in-game characters should be taking.
I personally think that anyone that has had their soul put in a blender as much as Sylvanas deserves a happy ending.
The victims of a victim(of a victim) should be address, but I like to make it known that Sylvanas is a victim of soul manipulation and the person that created her is still at large.
IMO, Zovaal and Arthas tore Sylvanas soul to shreds and the Banshee Queen was all that was left. I want to see them both pay for the ripping Sylvanas soul to shreds.
Sylvanas only had her soul split once, not “torn to shreds”. She didn’t even know it happened until the Jailer gave her that piece back. In fact, Uther had a scar on his chest where Frostmourne stabbed him and still felt the pain even after awhile in Bastion. Sylvanas had no scar on her stomach - which would’ve been visible with her belly-baring attire, and made no mention of soul pains.
She needs help and to answer for her crimes, and neither of them involves her becoming the new Arbiter - that’s rewarding her crimes, like making Arthas a Prime Naaru after defeating him at Icecrown or making Deathwing a Titan after defeating him.
Uther’s soul was more damaged than hers, and he clearly showed the effects.
I only meant that she has had her soul manipulated and twisted by Zovaal in Arthas and is a shadow of her Ranger General self.
I’m glad we can both can agree! It really feels good to at the very least agree on that; you should apply to my Story Forum campaign. You would have to put the Forsaken in that same boat tho : )
Its really the reason I feel that the Alliance failed the Forsaken; they didn’t recognize the curse and try to help.
I have zero expectations that she will become the new Arbiter.
With Arthas, necromancy, and Zovaal mangling her soul I think she wins that game.