Sylvannas divided Soul

So we saw in the trailer something with Uther being “divided” by Arthas…and if the same happened to Sylvannas? if her “good” side was trapped on the sword? and when she got destroyed somehow went to shadowlands? i’ll live if we can get two Sylvannas … a good one and a “bad” one

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By the way the video was shot, it seemed more like Uther’s soul splitting was due to his call to the Light.


Would be a good way to absolve Sylvanas of all of her crimes, deny everyone their justice and make more Sylvanas expansions.


of course its what she deserves


What she deserves is eternal suffering in the maw, no less than that.


Sylvanas has been written so inconsistently over the years. Besides that, if they did redeem her character in some hamfisted way, would her story really have anywhere to go after that? I say just let her die.


Sylvanas wasn’t vacuumed by Frostmourne. If you read the book her whole soul was twisted into a banshee on the spot.

Through Frostmourne, yes, but her soul never went into Frostmourne. Ergo, no soul split.

Probably at any rate.


How would it absolve the Banshee Queen if we still kill her?

It would just make Ranger General Sylvanas into a different entity that Arthas stole a sizable chunk of Anima from to create the Banshee Queen!

The Banshee Queen would still be villainized yet through such a reveal Danuser would have practically found a way to make Nathanos’s story a Tragic Villain Story just to make us feel sorry for him for falling for an Evil Duplicate of his beloved Ranger General!


Basically a Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix story then.

Certain head writers tried to reverse the Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix Story to make Jean Grey guilty only to receive a backlash from the Fans…

Blizzard if they decide to make Banshee Queen Sylvanas a removed chunk of Ranger General Sylvanas’s Anima will probably have the foresight to not reverse the decision once it is made even if they get the idea to revive the Banshee Queen by pulling her in from an AU.

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My mind keeps coming back to this :stuck_out_tongue:


its literally my dream lol

I kind of doubt it. While Arthas is responsible for both their deaths, the intent was different with their murders. It also sort of appeared that at least two equally powerful forces were vying at Uther’s soul at the same time in that cinematic, ultimately resulting in it just being torn in two. One part being claimed by Frostmourne, the other being yanked into Bastion.

Sylvie was deliberately turned into a Banshee to punish her. Rather than her soul being consumed by Frostmourne, it was instead raised into undeath. Uther was not. We also lack any indication so far that there was the presence of a second, sufficient countering force. So, there is nothing to really suggest her soul was divided as of yet. It just went through the meatgrinder.


If we want to be extremely forgiving, she does experience some form of afterlife before being yanked back into undeath; it wouldn’t be too far of a stretch to add something trying to keep her there without disrupting the overall narrative.

Overall the entire character of undeath and how that relates to souls and the Shadowlands really needs to be re-examined though. Cause some undead weren’t exactly fresh when they were raised (looking at you, Derek) and should have actual memories of the realms they ended up in (Sylvanas remembers feelings despite only being there for the span of moments).

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Sylvanas didn’t have a good side.


Well, get used to it. I mean Blizzard has decided that the Horde (except for a few people who can’t get over dubious personal grudges) all love Jaina. And they are all “Purge? What Purge”.

They might well do the same to Teldrassil.


Per UVG Sylvanas soul was indefinitely altered. Its a little bit different with Uther.

I would love to see pre banshee Sylvanas get some screen time. I’m hoping she gets reverted back into her original High Elf self once its all said and done.


Well she did before she was turned on a Banshee

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I thought that was troll bait, I could be wrong tho.

Not likely, We know the part of her soul that went to shadowlands was pulled back when Arthas raised her. Seems like even if the soul was divded by frostmourne the raising of her of a banshee tore her soul back to her body from shadowlands.

Likely this soul splitting was unique to Uther because the as other pointed out, due to the Light.

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