"Sylvanas won't be like Garrosh"

Does being a columnist and an editor count?

Garrosh went to trial for war crimes, I don’t see sylvanas going to trial. Garrosh was brought to justice by the warchief he took the mantle from. I don’t see sylvanas dying by anyone but a raid group, if even that, sadly.

Another example of Blizzards bad writing. When did the Horde and Alliance get together and make laws of war in order to convict people of such crimes? I don’t recall any side signing such a treaty.

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Exactly and that’s why I feel people are nitpicking.

  • They’re both war chiefs.
  • They’re both evil war chiefs.
  • Both of them see the other races of the Horde as cannon fodder.
  • Saurfang was part of the rebellion against the war chief.
  • Baine too.
  • Siege of Ogrimmar
  • Fanatical boyfriend (Nazgrim, Nathanos)
  • Both destroyed an Alliance base (Theramore; Darnassus). Both happened in the previous xpac.
  • Both escape justice to flee to another world which ushers in the new xpac.
  • Both are “corrupted” by a power source from a higher being.
  • Both ally with powerful enemies to reach their goals (mantid, naga)

Arthas and Sylvanas barely resemble each other, Sylvanas does what she does out of mere malice and thirst for power, Arthas was doing it to save his kingdom until he lost his soul to Frostmourne which drastically changed him

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Lol, I love how you actually ignore the actual aspects of the story that were similar and instead made up other stuff.

Both were put in charge of the horde.
Both were seen to have betrayed the horde.
Both had a rebellion staged against them.
Both required the Alliance to come in and save the horde from its self.
Both ended with Org sieged.


Sylvanas destroys a major city.
Garrosh destroyed a major city.

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In Sylvanas case, it was almost sieged

That’s just so Blizzard can say “see? different :crazy_face:”

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Wait wait… I figured out the difference!! Sylvanas didn’t lose her Mak’gora. /clap Lore you are right the two are completely different.

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Oh, it was Sieged… it just wasn’t sacked.

You don’t just have a large army camped outside the gates with the intent of taking the city and not call it a siege.

-edit to add-

The irony about it all… is that the army sieging the city this time probably just picked up the same pickets and barricades that were left over from the previous siege.


Technically it was still sieged even if there was not a battle.

But Saurfang stoped it by slapping Sylvanas in the face and have her cry like a baby and rage quit the Horde

Yep… he prevented the battle… but the siege still happened.

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Another similarity to Garrosh. They turned her from this completely strong character to a emo school girl that gets triggered.


I upvoted you because that’s funny, I don’t care who you are buuuuuuuuut Garrosh was a crybaby since TBC.

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Yeah that is what I meant. They changed her to be like him. I know he was sort of always that way except during Cataclysm where he became strong…then turned back to emoboy in Warlords… its just wut?

The lines that dranosh And Varok use “let it be finished” are identical

The opening scene where Sylvanas walks out is a similar camera angle to when Arthas walks out.

They’re at the gates of a fortress seemingly impenetrable.

The fact that varok wields an alliance weapon and an orcish axe, symbolizing the combine forces and alliances forces at Wrathgate.

T&E does a great comparison bag I’ll embed if ya wanna check it out. Start at 18:00

I think Sylvanas is a chance for the writers to explore undeath and that cosmology in a way they couldn’t with Arthas in the RTS gaming medium - and maybe they sincerely weren’t thinking as grandiose then, e.g. no Chronicle

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Well to be fair, Garrosh believed his father was the one that cause the downfall of the orcs and their slavery to the Legion (Which is true) but didnt knew that he was also the one that free them in the end

You could also attribute some of that to Ogrim with his overtaking of Blackhand.

He also faced a siege in blackrock.

I think it’s a recurring theme whenthe Horde becomes a focal point for the narrative, and the alliance has a “young replacing old” motif with alliance: turalyon to lothar, Arthas to uther (yeah, I know a bit different…), anduin to varian