"Sylvanas won't be like Garrosh"

Anyone remember these words?

Sylvanas influenced by an old god
Garrosh influenced by an old god
Sylvanas Mysterious Powers
Garrosh Mysterious Powers
Sylvanas written to try and make horde hate her
Garrosh written to try and make horde hate him
Sylvanas opens gate to another dimension for new expansion
Garrosh opens gate to another dimension for new expansion.

Yeah so when is this story going to stop mimicking Garrosh like Blizzard Promised?


Well Hitler promised to not invade Czechoslovakia Dexterworgen, people lie.


Neither were influenced by old gods, and some of the other things you listed aren’t entirely true either.


Sylvanas was working with N’zoth that’s a pretty good influence.
Garrosh was consumed with the power of the dead one. Pretty good influence.

It’s important to remember influence doesn’t mean under direct control of.


I don’t recall Garrosh having any mysterious powers. All of his tricks were pretty well established, iirc.

Garrosh ironically better written than Sylvanas.


Not really nothing Garrosh did in MoP makes a lick if sense of you read anything he said in Cataclysm. His character spun around and went the opposite direction he was going.


Nope and nope. Sylvanas was not working with N’zoth in any way, shape, or form. She was working AGAINST N’zoth. She had the blade returned to Azshara so it could be used to kill him, and knew that even if that failed HE would simply end up furthering her own goals by killing us.


Ehhh either way the story is closely mimicking Garrosh it’s uninspired specially if it ends with her death then its 100% Garrosh.

Sylvanas was never influenced by an old god, garosh never opened a gate to new expansion, garosh never had mysterious powers we knew exactly where they came from


Arthas: “Am i just a joke to you”

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I guess anyone that dies must mean it’s a ripoff of Garrosh then? Clearly Gul’dan killing Varian was a ripoff of Thrall killing Garrosh.
Clearly Maiev killing Illidan was a ripoff of this one other character that died.
Clearly that one time Anduin exhaled that was a ripoff of Garrosh when he exhaled that other time.


Do you even pay attention to the story? Garrosh had nothing to do with the start of WoD. It was Kiroz and the Infinite Dragonflight freed him from his trial and took him to an alternate Draenor.


No garrosh, No Wod. No Sylvanas. No Shadowlands. They opened the gate to the next expansion.

Sylvanas a little more literally.


I don’t know.
Garrosh would’ve probably stopped at unification of the Horde (and those who bent the knee) through brute force.
Sylvanas legitimately wants all living things dead…
Hmm… My “I’ve been through this before” senses are tingling…

WoD could and would have still happened without Garrosh. Wrathion was the one that created the plan to begin with, and both him and Kiroz can shapeshift into Orcs. You’re really just trolling at this point. Same with Shadowlands, Sylvanas wasn’t the one that started it. The Jailer created the plan, he could have had anyone shatter the helmet. Point is, Sylvanas and Garrosh aren’t similar.

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That is stretching things a lot. How much does it pay to lick blizzard writers boots?


salty much?

Oof, so defending good story must mean I’m a blizzard shill? No, I could have written it better. However, you’re complaining about something you very much do not understand. The lore is complicated so I don’t blame you for being confused. Here is your first lesson: Garrosh is an Orc from Outland, and Sylvanas is an Undead High Elf from Azeroth.

Well the sooner her stupid plan fails and shes dead the better.

Its just a shame that we have to waste a whole expansion on it.