"Sylvanas won't be like Garrosh"

Lol this is pretty damn funny


Let’s be fair here, Blizz would never let their little waifu pillow be influenced by an Old God, she was probably using them.

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Yeah look aside from a new minor details the story largely played out the same

You disproved one thing he had on that list (I guess, not really), congrats. But you’d be a fool to not see the direct comparison. In fact you’d be in the minority, this meme has been used time and time again.


All of the people agreeing with OP are the fools, but you can’t reason with fools.

So… when you can’t think of anything to say, just resort to personal insults. I mean, we’re having a discussion about fictional characters in a computer game and anyone that disagrees with you is a fool.

Grow up.


Sylvanas can’t be influenced by an Old God, the Undead are immune to corruption from the Old Gods and their Void Lord masters, and last I checked, yep, Sylvanas is undead…

Garrosh never had ‘mysterious powers’. He was a brutish warrior. The only inkling of special power he displayed was during the final fight of Siege of Orgrimmar, and it’s pretty obvious exactly where those powers came from.

Sylvanas wasn’t written so that the ‘entire Horde’ hated her. There’s more nuance to her relationship with the Horde. Garrosh, he was (as I said above) a brute. He believed in Orc supremecy. He didn’t care for any of the other Horde races, not even the Tauren, who were stronger than the Orcs in every respect. So with him, he was written in a way where he alienated the entire Horde, and only kept his most loyal soldiers around him.

Sylvanas had opposition, yes, but she also had a TON of supporters before she deserted the Horde, from all races within the Horde. You can even be one of those supporters, where as, with Garrosh, there was no choice, you were unconditionally Garrosh’s enemy as a Horde player.

I disagree. The quest to burn the tree put you right there beside Nathanos. If I remember correctly, Theramore’s bombing was carried out be a team of goblins.

Also, she plagued the members of the Horde outside of Lordaeron because they weren’t fast enough.

We weren’t given a choice to support Garrosh but I bet he would have had more supporters than her.


It’s almost like almost every bad guy in this game is “corrupted” and starts acting evil for…because.

AKA lazy writing to turn someone evil and create new villains without any type of effort.

I think the distinction here is that Garrosh was written to make the entire Horde hate him, where Sylvanas was written to make the player hate her and that we as the players aren’t the entire Horde.

All the Horde wasn’t there to see her do that stuff, allowing her to present a different face to the general public. Where Garrosh was just a blatant racist that everyone saw.

And yet, after Sylvanas burned that tree, she still had plenty of support from the Horde. Not only at Lordaeron, but beyond then as well. The wars that waged across the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor (not just the Warfronts, but everywhere else, there’s actually a lengthy post on Wowhead that covers the skirmishes we don’t fight in, but send troops to via the mission table).

When she arrested Baine, despite his impassioned speech about how Sylvanas was destroying the Horde, she still had support from many of the Horde leaders (even though some voiced their discontent).

Even when Saurfang’s rebellion showed up at Orgrimmar she still had supporters, more than enough to crush the rebellion in open conflict. She only lost that support after her outburst and subsequent abandonment of the Horde.

Garrosh lost the vast majority of the Horde’s support long before the Siege of Orgrimmar. The only allies he had at the end were Orcs, and the Blackfuse Company, meaning he didn’t even have the support of the Bilgewater Cartel.

You keep saying this like we had a choice. You’re blending game mechanics with lore. Some people supported her because they wanted the toy.

She had the support of one: Thrall’s “sister.”

No, you are just misinterpreting what he is saying. When he says the Horde he means the entire Horde, NPCs included, not just the players. Plenty of Horde NPCs still supported her at the seige.

I am not cofusing game mechanics with lore at all.

I am citing the actual lore of the game. Sylvanas still had plenty of supporters among the Horde (not even considering player characters) up until the moment she abandoned the Horde by saying that they were nothing.

You cannot ignore the story just because you disagree with it, and the story showed that Sylvanas had much broader levels of support than Garrosh did.

Like I said, that scene where she arrested Baine showed she had one supporter: Thrall’s sister… thing. Whatever she is. Everyone else was not happy about it.

But yes I know she still had a strong support with the Forsaken.

Well, I don’t see the point of talking about how NPC’s “feel.” They’re going to “feel” how the writers make them feel.

I thought we were still talking about the questline to either support or go against Sylvanas.

She also had the support of the rank and file blood elves, Tauren, Orcs etc, because none of them were privy to any of that. All they saw was what she wanted them to see.

Just because the majority of the Horde’s leadership were questioning her at that point doesn’t mean the entirely of their respective races did so as well.

She had one adamant supporter, and multiple members of the Horde made statements that were neutral. Only a few specifically spoke in opposition. The ones that spoke in opposition were:

  • Rohkan
  • Rexxar
  • Garona
  • Eitrigg
  • Mayla Highmountain
  • Lillian Voss

Then there were the ones that had more measured responses. They did not show direct opposition, but they did not show direct approval either. The ones that did that were:

  • Ji Firepaw
  • Lor’themar Theron
  • Queen Talanji
  • Gallywix
  • Thalyssra

It’s also important to note what happened -after- Baine’s arrest. The only leaders of the Horde to actually directly oppose Sylvanas were Lor’themar, Saurfang, Thrall and Baine.

None of the other leaders stood up to Sylvanas. Even Mayla and Rokhan, who both showed discontent with the decision to arrest Baine, did not directly oppose Sylvanas or support Saurfang’s rebellion.

Ok, maybe because it’s 4am where I’m at, and I haven’t gone to bed, but I assumed you meant the Horde players.

They factored into it, but I was talking about the entire Horde. NPCs and players alike. I am sure many of the players hated Sylvanas for what she did but wanted the toy. And I am sure there were some who were saying ‘Suck it Alliance! Get the marshmallows, I’m toasting them next to Teldrassil!!’

For me, as a roleplayer, I’ve got characters who supported Sylvanas, I’ve got characters who hated Sylvanas, and I’ve got plenty of neutrals who didn’t care one way or another.